:Aubrey: Time

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(Omori Spoilers...)


"Kel! Let us in!"

Aubrey yelled, glaring at Kel who was leaning out the window with Basil and Sunny. (Y/n) had just exited the house, noticing the two yelling at a distance.

"No girls allowed!"


Aubrey exclaimed, eyebrows furrowing.


Aubrey shook her head, noticing (Y/n).

"(Y/n)! Kel is being mean!"

"Is he now?"

Looking up at Kel, all he did was wave. Basil and Sunny only watched, unsure of what to do. Looming over at the entrance of the treehouse, it was blocked off by a single TV.

"...you didn't block it off well."

(Y/n) called out. Kel quickly went over, using his body as a barricade as he stood by the frame of the door.

"You're being a bit unfair to Aubrey, Kel..."


Aubrey exclaimed as she threw her eggplant plushie at him. He caught it, awing at it.


Aubrey gasped loudly, running over to climb up.


"Aubrey, careful!"

(Y/n) exclaimed, quickly pulling Aubrey away from climbing up the treehouse.

"I need to get my toy back!"

Kel only laughed, sticking a tongue out at her. She blushed red in anger, glaring up at him. (Y/n) had an idea, leaning over to whisper to her.

"Hey. What if we just make our own treehouse?"

She quickly stopped frowning, looking over.

"I mean- well- maybe not a treehouse, but..."

(Y/n) looked over towards the door to the living room, smiling at Aubrey.

"We make a clubhouse!"

Kel didn't notice the two whispering as he had walked back into the treehouse, tossing Aubrey's toy over to Sunny, which hit his face.

"K-Kel, I think we should let her in..."

Basil said, smiling awkwardly.

"But it's a boys night out! A BOYS NIGHT OUT!"

Kel exclaimed.

"You guys said we would have one!"

Basil looked over to Sunny who shrugged, looking out the window. He watched as (Y/n) and Aubrey both high five each other before running back in the house. He was very curious as to what they were doing, walking over to the door.

"Hey Sunny! Wanna play cards?"

Sunny stopped in his tracks, looking over. He watched as Basil sat down beside Kel, helping gathering the cards together. Looking back at the door to his home, Sunny made his way over to Kel and Basil. Meanwhile, (Y/n) and Aubrey were collecting spare pillows and blankets since they didn't want to take any that was being used.

"When is Mari and Hero gonna get here..."

Aubrey asked with a sigh.

"They probably went on a date!"

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