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Daichi's Pov.

This isn't good. Suga most likely got the wrong idea, and now it's my job to find and tell him what happened before he does anything.

"Daichi is something wrong?" Michimiya asked while catching up to me, seeing as how I had already started walking to my house in hopes to find Suga there.

"Yeah, Suga saw when you kissed me." I replied continuing to walk.

"Okay, but why would that matte- wait are you dating Suga?!"


"Oh God I'm so so sorry, that just makes this whole situation worse. I'm so sorry Daichi."

"It's fine really, but if you don't mind can you look around the area for him."

"Of course."

She went off looking around the neighborhood, while I was just about to my house. There's no way he could be gone to far, right? That doesn't matter. I walked up to the door of the house I had brought him to when he had no where to go, hopping that he'd still be within. He will be behind the door, but when I opened the door there was no Suga.

"Welcome home Daichi. How was school today?" My mom called from the kitchen.

"Mom is Suga home?" Please say yes.

"Is he not with you?" No.

"I'll be back mom." He's not there.

I turned and walked back out the door. He can't be there. I had memorized where the house was. Please have me be wrong. One turn left, two turns right, cream colored house on the left of the street.

The place couldn't be home for Suga. Not the home that kicked him out. He wasn't safe there. No, he wasn't safe with him there. I approached the house and stood on the door step. I raised my hand, knocked, then waited. Waited for his excuse of a dad to answer the door, but he didn't. Suga did.

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