Hickey or Bruise

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Tanaka' s Pov.

I walk into the gym and see Kageyama and Hinata on the floor breathing heavily.

"I beat you," says Kageyama panting. "that makes 53 wins for me and 41 for you."

"No! I already told you that you can't count the times you top me in bed, that's not fair! So your at 44 and I'm at 41." Says Hinata.

"Hey, I don't want to hear about you two's sex life. Now," I say pointing towards the changing room. "is the club room open." They both just shrug their shoulders and go back to arguing. I head over to the locker room and find that it's locked. Taking the spare key from my pocket, I put it into the key slot. Then, I open the door to find Daichi ontop of Suga, both half naked. I snicker at this for a second.

"Ah yeah get it Suga!" I yell causing them to both stop and look up. I smirk, and take out my phone, and then take a picture of the scene infront of me. "Well, have fun you two." I say shutting the door.

"I swear to god Tanaka delete that photo!" I hear Daichi yell from the room.

Kageyama' s Pov.

"Oh shut up Hinata." I tell him. Tanaka walks back in smiling. Everyone else gets to the gym, and then we wait for Suga and Daichi, in which they both walk out of the changing room a few moments later.

"Alright team, today we'll be-"

"Hey Suga, what's that dark spot on your neck?" Asks Hinata cutting off Daichi. At this, Tanaka starts to laugh hysterically.

"It's just a bru-" I start to say but am also cut off.

"It's a hickey you morons." Says Tsukishima. Hinata looks at the mark curiously.

"Well, who gave him that?" Says Hinata.

"Oh God, this is gold!" Snickers Tanaka still laughing.

"It's clearly Daichi, I mean they did just walk out together." I look at Tanaka, who is still trying to catch his breath. "And well, considering Tanaka's condition right now, we have evidence." I tell everyone.

"Yeah but," Asahi says. "There's not any true proof that it was him, and who knows mabye it really is just a bruise you guys."

"Oh God, Oh God!" Says Tanaka trying to catch his breath. "I totally forgot." He pulls out his phone.

"I think we should really start practice guys." Says Suga.

"Yeah," Says Daichi. "let's start."

"Hold on! Hold on! It's right... Here! Got it!" Yells Tanaka, he then holds out his phone for everyone to see. Daichi grabs the phone, but was already to late, because by then everyone had already seen the photo.

"Okay you know, I'm just gonna go ahead and delete this." Daichi says. Then, handed the phone back to Tanaka.

"Aww c'mon man that was my whole blackmail folder." Whines Tanaka.

"Wait, so Daichi and Suga were making ou-" Hinata starts to say before I quickly cover his mouth.

"That's enough." I say. Hinata prys my hand away.

"But Kageyama, we do that all the ti-" I quickly cover his mouth again.

"I said that's enough."

"Well congrats Suga and Daichi, that's great!" Shouts Noya, and the rest of us say the same. At this a small tear runs down Suga's cheek.

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