Extra Help

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(I'm so sorry I haven't updated a lot, I've just been busy and I kinda forgot about this story.)

Michimiya's Pov.

I had been looking through neighborhoods for awhile now but I still couldn't find Sugawara. I feel awful. I messed up so bad, I shouldn't have just kissed Daichi like that. Sugawara is gonna be mad at me for the rest of my life now. I really hope I find him soon. I just hope he's okay, Daichi looked really worried.

My phone then started ringing breaking me away from my thoughts.


"Daichi are you okay? Did you find Sugawara?."

"Yeah, I did. Hey uh listen, I can't exactly see him right now, it's complicated but would you mind going by his house just to make sure he's okay since I can't?"

"Of course, anything."

"Okay thanks Michimiya, I'll send you his address."

And with that we hung up. He sent me Sugawara's address, and I started walking over there. I wonder why Daichi would have me go over. Ignoring my thoughts, I continue walking for about another ten maybe fifteen minutes before I stop.

However, I didn't stop because I saw the house. I stoped because of the person laying on the sidewalk unconscious.

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