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Daichi's Pov.

°•~Three weeks later~•°

"Suga." I gently rub his back, trying to wake him up. "Suga, we're going to be late for school." He shifts slightly before I see his eyes flutter open.

"What time is it?" He asks still half asleep.

"It doesn't matter, just get dressed."

After getting changed and eating breakfast, we meet up with Asahi like we normally do each morning, and just talk about school, volleyball, and occasionally about tests that we have coming up.

After getting to school, and walking to our classrooms, Michimiya walks up to me.

"Hey Daichi." She says beaming up at me. "How's volleyball going for you guys right now?"

"It's going pretty well, I'm sure that we'll do really well for spring nationals."

"All your third years stayed on right, even your guy's manager?"

"Yeah, we all stayed on." The bell then rang signaling time for class. "Well we should probably go."

"Yeah. Oh and Daichi, if you don't mind, could I talk to you after our practices today?"

"Yeah, of course I don't see why not."

"Thanks. See ya later Daichi."

"Yeah you too Michimiya."

With that I head to class, wondering what it is she wanted to talk about.

(I'm sorry it's short, though I'll be posting again tomorrow.)

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