The midnight meeting

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Iris POV

"What the hell u want?", I shouted when I saw Zayn.

Yes. He was the one who messaged me.

"chill. Here have a cup of coffee", He said and handed me a cup of coffee. I wanted to throw it in his face, but he makes the best coffee in the entire world so...

"I didn't think you'll come", he said.

"I also didn't think that you'll remember this place, but look where we are now?"

"How could I forget this tree house Iris? We have so many memories here. "

"Whatever. Why did you ask me to come here?"

"you must have got the news about the war, I believe"

"yeah we did"

"good. Can you please not take part in this war?"

"What? nevermind I should not have come at the first place"

"Iris, be patient and listen to me"

"you've got 1 minute"

he took a deep breath. "Iris Dave was my friend. This war is to avenge his death. If you take part, either you have to kill me or I'll have to kill you. So please can you not take part in this war?"

"How can you expect me to not take part? this war is fought against my brother and his fiance. I would definitely take part."

"so none of us would back down huh", he said and looked sadly.

"Wait" I said and opened a drawer. We used to store paper when we were high school students in that drawer. I found a few papers, but they were yellowish. I picked two papers that were in a slightly better condition and handed over one to him. Then I went to the stand where we used to keep our pens. I took two pens and gave one to him.

"What is this?", Zayn asked.

"Write whatever you want to say to me in this paper and I'll also write something for you. We should open this only if one of us gets killed. Let's dodge each other as much as possible in the war. But If we can't avoid each other and start fighting or if either of us gets killed, this paper and treehouse will forever hold our memories. Eventhough we can't be together, in this way we'll atleast have a piece of other with us forever."


In the next half an hour, we finished writing.

"Here", he handed me his paper and I handed him my paper.

The time was around two o'clock. "So, this is where we should separate huh?",he said.

"You can leave. I want to stay a bit longer. I missed this place", I said.

"I want to stay too... But I can't stay any longer", He said and turned to leave.

"Hey Zayn"


"thanks for the coffee"

He smiled and left.

I stood near the window. The sun was rising. but one question lingered in my mind, "is this really the end for us?"

 but one question lingered in my mind, "is this really the end for us?"

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