The First Day

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"Wake up lazy potato, IT'S YOUR BIG DAY", Anne screamed.

"Stop it Anne, I'm awake", in fact I haven't slept all night.

"Get ready, I'll make us breakfast."

Usually taking a shower helps me to calm down. But even that didn't work today. I was just a nervous mess.

After eating, Anne dropped me to work. Her office was only a few blocks away so she said she'll drop me.

"Good Bye Sweetheart. See ya evening."

I went inside. I don't know why but I have this weird feeling that someone's watching me. As if on cue, a young man came to me and said, "The CEO will see you now".

I went to the CEO's personal cabin.

"Hey you must be Lisa right, welcome to", he said.

Whoa this guy is handsome. Come on Lisa, focus on your work. I cursed myself mentally and said, "hi...I mean nice to meet you sir".

"No need to be formal. the name's Alex", he smiled.

My heart skipped a beat. How can I work around him, oh did I mention, I was going to be his personal assistant which made things even worse.

"These contacts are nice by the way. Brown suits you"

I blushed at his complement and said, "Nope, these aren't contacts."

I could swear he seemed surprised. "Well I haven't seen any humans with such beautiful brown eyes".

I smiled and said, "So you have seen creatures other than humans too.. point  noted."

"You bet", He said and let out a small chuckle.

He is mysterious. Or is it just my imagination???

A/N: sorry if I was being cringey. I didn't mean to be. (I just tend to be <3)

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