The meeting pt-3

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Mark POV

"Y-You are Lisa's colleague, aren't you?"

"You have a good memory"

"What do you want from me?"

"Getting straight to the point, aren't we?", he smirked.

"This doesn't answer my question"

"Ok ok, chill dude. Why don't we begin by introducing ourselves? I'm Alex", he flashes a smile.

"I'm Mark", I said still suspicious.

"Gees, don't be suspicious. It's weird."

"Well, If Lisa trusts you, I trust you too. Why did you message me. Clearly you didn't send that message for talking to me."

"Well, what If I sent that message only to get to know you better", He said and winked.

"Sorry to break your heart, I know I'm handsome but I'm straight and I already have a girlfriend"

"What!!! I'm not a gay."

"you're not?"

"I was just messing with you. So tell me whatever you know about Lisa apart from the fact that she's a werewolf."

"y-you know? How did you know that? Are you one of them?"

"No", he laughed, "I'm helping Lisa"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I'm also a werewolf and I want to know how and why she lost her memory"

"And why exactly you want to know that?"

"Trust me this is important"

"You answer my question and I'll answer yours"

"Ok. Lisa is our Alpha"

"She is what?"

"you heard it right. She is our alpha"

"But I thought only the strongest male wolves can become an Alpha"

"No. It doesn't work like that. We have a test to find who's the strongest wolf when we are 15. Surprisingly Lisa was stronger than all the male wolves of our age. She was in the middle of making history as the first woman alpha.

The day she was announced as our Alpha's successor, she was kidnapped. We tried to find her, but there was no luck. If you tell me what happened, it will be of great help."

"Alex, I'm sorry"

"No don't be, you have been taking good care of her till now and-"

"I'm sorry because she lost her memory because of me", I interjected him.


"I'm actually a half breed"

"Yeah. I know about that"

"You do?"

"I have my sources"

"Well anyway, I was kicked out of my pack but I had the wizarding world to back me up. But I didn't want to be a burden. So, I started researching on medicine and accidentally found a drug that can erase one's memory.

Somehow the vampires smelled it and brought Lisa to me. They said Lisa lost her family and attempted suicide. She also had a few cuts and scars so I thought it was true.

They said that all her memories were too painful and they insisted to use my drug on her. One day I overheard them saying Lisa was a werewolf. I was horrified. I thought my drug was put to a good use while it apparently wasn't. It was my only mistake. I'm gonna tell this to her soon , 'coz she deserves to know the truth."

"And what if she leaves you?", Alex's question caught me off- guard.

"I made a mistake and I must face the consequences and I'm sorry Alex"

"Hey, it's ok, You didn't know"

"Thanks for understanding", I said and turned to leave.

I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my chest. But Alex's question was ringing in my head. "What if she leaves me?", It's about time. She has to leave me sooner or later. An alpha can never be with an outcast. It's just that I'm not prepared for that day both physically and mentally.

A/N: Hey folks!!! how are ya doing. If there are any gay people reading this and if it hurts you, I'm really sorry. I respect you guys and accept you as a part of our community. I didn't mean to hurt you in any way.

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