The Work Friend

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Lisa POV

Today , Alex is having a meeting and I was busy arranging everything. When I finished, I saw him struggling with his tie. I couldn't help but let out a snigger.

"Yeah. Laugh as much as you want while I fight this little monster", Alex scoffed.

"Here, Let me help you", I said and tied his tie properly. "There you go", I said and looked into his eyes only to get lost in them. I was inching closer to his face and I could feel his breath on my face. We were in a semi-trance state. Suddenly his phone rang and we became aware of our surroundings.

"s-sorry", I said and ran away from there.

When I reached the washroom, I stood in front of the mirror and cursed myself. "Fuck!!! what the hell where you thinking Lisa?? You have a boyfriend and you almost kissed your boss. Way to screw up. How will you look him tomorrow?"

"Seems like someone's having a rough time, I heard a voice.

"Hey Iris!!! didn't see you there"

Iris is one of the few friends in my office that my antisocial soul had. One thing I know about her, She values her sleep(A LOT).

"It's ok. mind telling me what happened? I totally understand if you don't want to", she said.

"You know what!! I really need a breather. come lets go to the Cafe.",I said.

Over the next half an hour, I explained her the shit happening in my life. About how I have a boyfriend and still am attracted to my boss.

"So that's it.  I feel like I'm cheating on Mark", I said.

Iris looked at me with calm eyes,"Lisa, you are not cheating on anyone. But it's high time you figure out your feelings and only you can do that. But if you need someone to talk, I'm just a phone call away."

"Thanks Iris!!! I usually talk to Anne. But I haven't seen her recently. so.."

"It's ok. I can never be Anne, but I'm a good listener"

"Thanks!!! Oh shit. I have to get going. See ya later Iris"

"See ya"

Iris POV

After the talk with Lisa, I went home and texted someone.

After the talk with Lisa, I went home and texted someone

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I know he wouldn't shut up

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I know he wouldn't shut up. I still don't know how they made him the CEO.  So I switched off my phone and went to enjoy my beauty sleep.

A/N: Heyyy!!!! Alex has a sister!!!! what do u guys think about Iris!!! Let me know ur thoughts in comments and also get ready for a party in next few chapters.

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