The meeting pt 2

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While Anne and the vampires were busy plotting against Lisa, there was another similar meeting going on in the city hall

(A few hours ago)

Mark POV

???: I know your secrets. come to the city hall NOW!

Who the hell is this? and they know my secrets!? What the hell, I don't have any secrets worth blackmailing! Well maybe only one and the person is sitting right in front of me. Even that's not a big secret because I'm gonna tell her myself and help her find her family once she reaches 24. Is this some kind of prank?

"Hey hon, everything Alright?", Lisa asked concerned.

"Yeah. everything's fine. Baby would you mind, I gotta go somewhere"

"Can't you go later", she pouted.

"Sadly no baby. This is an emergency. Come I'll drop you home."

"But you have to make up for this some other time", she said.

"I'd love to spend time with you baby."

"Says the idiot who's leaving me alone in the middle of date"

"Wait. I'm not an idiot. I'm a doctor."

"Whatever I know you cheated in your exams"

"What!? that's not true... I studied day and night", I said slightly offended.

"Hey can I ask you something?", she said.


"Have you dated anyone before me?"

"Yeah. I thought you knew. Not 1 but 3."

"What! seriously? how far did you go with them"

"Well. They used to be on my bed all the time"

I looked her from the corner of my eye. I could see she was fuming inside.

"You don't wanna know their names?", I asked her.

"What's the point?"

"Physics, chemistry and biology."


"I used to date them before you", I struggled to maintain a poker face.

"Seriously? Is this funny to you? I can't believe my boyfriend is a total nerd."

"What!?  it was funny. You should have seen your face" ,I laughed.

"I wanna vomit. I don't even know from where you get your sense of humor. We seriously need to refine it."

"What are you saying. All my patients like my sense of humor."

"Whatever. I can make you laugh more than this"

"Oh really. try me", I smirked.

She started tickling me.

"Stop that", I laughed uncontrollably.

"Point noted.Our star doctor is ticklish", she said and continued to tickle me.

"Stop it. I don't wanna crash our car or something."

"oh yeah. But we are continuing this some other time", she said.

After 10 minutes we reached her home.

"you wanna come inside"

"No see ya later. I gotta go"

"what is that?", she said hands on her hips.

"What is what?", I asked.

"Do you say see ya later to your girlfriend?", she was still pouting.

"Oops. sorry. love you honey bunch....good bye" I said.

"Cringey", she said and made a disgusted face.

"Whatever.. you didn't even say it back", I rolled my eyes.

"love you too baby bunny"

"Now that is cringe max", I said. she giggled and went inside.

Okay. now should I go to city hall? What if they kill me? Well basically I can't be killed because I'm a half-breed. Vampire bites can't kill me and werewolves I don't think they can kill me either. the only Perks of being a half breed.

Finally I arrived at the city hall.

"I knew you would come", I turned in the direction of voice.

Wait! what the hell is he doing here? Was he the one who texted me? But why?

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