The devil returns

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Anne POV

I slowly got up and went towards mirror. I haven't seen my face after that night. I haven't seen my face after that night. It has almost been a month.

I traced the scar with my hands. "oh... It has healed".

I quickly grabbed a knife and cut myself on the scar.

"Now it won't heal", I said and threw my knife. It landed on a picture of me and Lisa.

"I'm coming for you ex-best friend."

Lisa POV

Someone woke me up. when I was about to yell, I saw their face. My anger turned into surprise.

"Iris? What are you doing here?"

"Waking you up. Wanna go for a jog?'

"Sure. Gimme 15 minutes"

I got up, brushed my teeth and came to the living room.

"Come, let's go", I said and Iris followed.

While we are jogging, I asked her,"so what's the matter"

"What's the matter?", Iris repeated.

"The Iris I know would never get up early in the morning, just to go for a jog"

She laughed."What if I just wanted to catch up with you?"

"Nope. you would never sacrifice your morning sleep for that"

"Yep. you are right. The thing is me and Alex we wanted to introduce you to our pack... as the alpha"

"Holy shit", I mumbled and stopped on my tracks.

Iris too stopped. She came to me and gave me a side hug,"Whatever happens, remember that we are on your side"


"Now come let's go back"

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