The Final blow

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Iris POV

Once I heard Liz's scream I rushed there to find a severely wounded Alex and a gleeful Anne. We ordered our forces to retreat for the time being as no one was in their right state of mind after Alex got injured. He was almost slipping away and I could understand that it is very difficult to cure him even by Mark. I turned my gaze towards Liz, who was not even moving.

"Liz, come on, we have to take him to Mark"

"You go. I'll kill the person who injured him"

"Liz, you are not in the right state of mind"

"NOBODY RETREAT" she shouted and turned towards me "Take him to Mark, I have some unfinished business to attend to" and sped off.

Sighing, I carried him back to the medical camp as fast as I can. I tried to maintain my composure but I was literally shaking. He is the only family I have and I don't want him to die. 

Mark understood immediately what has happened and started to treat Alex.

After a few minutes, Alex opened his eyes. He turned towards Mark and Mark signaled me to go outside. I didn't want to argue at that point and so, I went outside quietly.

From there, I saw them having a serious conversation.  After what seemed like an eternity, he finally emerged out. "Go in, He wants to talk to you".

Before I could take two steps, Mark stopped me again. "I'm sorry to say this but please just listen to whatever he has to say. He doesn't have much time left"

I tried to not cry. But my tears didn't cooperate " I understand", I said and left.

Lisa's POV

That bitch Anne. I shouldn't have spared her that day.

"Looking for someone Lisa?", I heard a snicker in her voice.

"Yes. you bitch. come on fight me! I challenge you to a duel", I said.

"Liz, your beta and gamma are not in the field. Even Alex couldn't take me down, you think you can?", she said.

"Anne I don't have time for this. Fight me.", I shouted.

okay, she said and tried to attack me.  I caught her wrist and scratched it. 

"Aaarghhhh", she fell down.

"How does it feel", I asked with a smile

"what did you do? there is no way I could feel this burn, just by a scratch on my wrist"

"Hmm. Let me think. I heard vamps are allergic to garlic, so I just decided to test it? ohhh it works right?", I said stepping closer to her.

"don't you dare come close to me", she raised her voice.

"or what will you do", I now scratched her face in the same place where I had previously left a mark.

"oh stop it. please. it's burning. At least kill me"

"well, I could kill you, but what's the fun in that? I wanna see you die. I wanna give you the pain that no vampire would want", I said.

At the same time, one of our clan members came to me. "Alex is in his last moments. He's waiting to see you"

A tear escaped my eye. "No, this can't be happening," I thought. I then turned towards Anne and ripped her head off and burned it. Seeing this vampires began to retreat. I ordered my force to take care of them and rushed to the camp.

In the camp, Alex was lying down and Mark was consoling a crying Iris. I walked towards Alex and held his hand. He opened his eyes.

"Lisa. I was waiting to see you. I'm about to do something. I'm sorry, this will be painful to you. but you have to overcome it. I don't have much time left. so strengthen your heart", He left a pause to breathe and said firmly " I reject you as my mate"

My heart started paining and Mark rushed to my side. "why did you do it", I shouted. he said " be calm. I only did this because Once I'm gone, I want you to find another mate and be happy. If I didn't do it, You can't have another mate. I'm sorry, I know it pains but I don't really have a choice"

I held my paining chest " no you won't die you moron, we are gonna visit a lot of places and and"my voice trailed as I could not hold my tears

he smiled gently, "I too was looking forward to doing all those things. I'm sorry Lisa, I love you", With that his eyes closed and he left us permanently.

A/N; I don't know how many of you are still reading this. but if you are, congrats, You are about to complete My alpha. We have one chapter left.

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