Part 10: Broken

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Parker: "Aren't you tired of lying?"

He show his phone which has picture of her and Mr. Nash looks like hugging.

This was secretly captured by Celina when Mr. Nash protected her from bird and she used it to manipulate her.

But the more heartbreaking is its posted by non other than Parker's account. The news says 

"Jane Marten- A slut to get more scores"

Boy: "We should have known that face have a hidden whore."

Girl: "No wonder he always takes her side."

Celina: "You always cheated, you never deserve first place. You just seduce Mr. Nash to get more marks. You are ridiculous!"

Jane: "SHUT UP!! I NEVER DID SUCH THING! I-I have a-always worked hard.. I didn't, i-it's a misunderstanding  he just saved me that day."

Her head started to ache and eyes got moist.

She feels anxious when people started to throw harsh words for her character.

Parker: "Stop your innocent act. Don't you have shame, you first seduce teachers and then try to drag me down!"

In reality Parker was out of mind because of liquor he drink before. He wasn't in his sense whihc make the scene more mess.

Jane: "G-Guys please believe me. I-I really didn't do it and I m not lying it was really Parker who got chits... p-please"

She try to hold back her tears and not broke down. Denial notice her breathing was uneven.

Vance: "What the--"

Denial: "Wait Vance... If its really like this, Parker tell us honestly Is it true.... please don't lie atleast to me."

Denial look straight in his eyes with expectation of no lies.

Parke: "I-I Don't!!".

He look away. Jane shook her head in disbelief.

Jane: "Is this what you learned from your parent huh?! Is this how you will treat our friendship! Didn't Your mom teach you any manners you fucker!!"

This trigger his already lost mind. He went to her and push her harshly on floor.

Parker: "Shut up Bitch! I m saying truth. Yes its the only truth!! You cheated, you are a cheater, be grateful that you weren't suspended. You are disgusting and Ugly."

Parker: "You think you are capable to compete me , a poor and underrated person like you don't even deserve to stand beside me."

He lose his patience as the anger and alcohol was controlling him. Celina see the chance to put petrol in fire.

Celina: "Right Parker, she has nothing beside her attitude. She is full of hate and coldness. She is ugly from both outside and inside. You should revenge her for slapping you!"

Everyone started whispering and pass hate comments for Jane. Some throw plastic cups and some where calling her ugly bitch.

But no-one saw she was shiver, her past trauma was hitting her like a gunshot on head.

She hold her head looking down and try to get up when Anne and Halsey run to her.

Parker: "Yeah I don't know why I even agreed to act as your friend. I just became closer to know about your skills and get your weakness." 

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