October 14, 2016 (2)

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[A/N: Triple update, cause why the hell not. The chapters are finally getting published.

So I was going to continue using Jade as Tom's girlfriend, but there wasn't exactly a positive response when she was mentioned before. I also don't want unnecessary bashing in the comments.
I also don't exactly want his girlfriend to be all flowers and sunshine, so I'm going to create a new character to be Tom's girlfriend.


Hey babe!

You here yet?

Yup, just grabbing my luggage

You brought luggage?

A girl needs what a girl needs.

😂 okay
Whatever you say

Oh shut up, you love me

That is sadly true
Maybe I should just dump you

Don't even think about it.
I'll put a bounty on your head.

You wouldn't

I would

Oh god, I hate that I love you.

I know, it's sickening 😋

Whatever, hurry on out.

On my way. 😘


Tom laughed at his girlfriend's childish behaviour. It was one of the many things he loved about her. Right now, he was waiting at the airport for her.

He was about to put his phone away when he got another notification. A smile formed on his face, thinking it was his girlfriend being her goofy self, but it wasn't.

It was someone else he was waiting for. Chanel.

"I'm sorry" He recited the message in a whisper. He was about to open the message and respond, but suddenly a pair of hands were placed on his eyes.

"Guess who?" A playful voice giggled from behind Tom. A voice Tom loved to here and missed.

Tom smiled and put his phone away. "I only know one person this short." He chuckled as he took his girlfriend's hands off his eyes. He turned around, replaced her arms around his neck, and then placed his own hands on the smaller girl's waist. Tom then leaned forward and gave the girl a small peck on the lips.

"How was the flight?" Tom asked in a soft voice, looking at the girl's eyes.

The girl responded with a bright smile. "It was great. It's not like it's any new." She then unwrapped her arms from Tom's neck and placed them on the handle of her suitcase. "I missed you babe." She smiled, admiring the man she fell in love with.

"Me too." Tom smiled and leaned forward to whisper to the girl. He then took the suitcase from the shorter girl's hand. His girlfriend stood there in partial shock. She was never going to get over how the taller man made her feel. "Come on, let's go." Tom laughed at how much of an effect he had on his girlfriend.

"Uh, yeah. Let's go." The girl shook her head, snapping out of her daze. She then clung to Tom's arm and the two walked out of the airport together, heading to Tom's temporary apartment.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2021 ⏰

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