August 20, 2016 (2)

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Chanel clutched her phone. It was the only thing she could do to stop herself from throwing her phone across the room. She felt betrayed, like everyone around her was just feeding her lies for no apparent reason. She knew it was unjust to get mad at Max, but it infuriated her so much that so many people knew and absolutely no one told her. It hurt even more as she remembered how her parents had told her.

Maybe I'm just letting my feelings cloud my judgement, she mumbled to herself. Her head was in her palms and her elbows dug into her knees as she started to cry.

Kelsey had told Chanel about how she felt about the adoption process. She told Chanel how she was nervous and excited at the same time. And that there were so many times where she had wanted to scream at Chanel that she wasn't her sister growing up.

She felt conflicted inside. Her mind didn't help her with the situation either. Every time Chanel thought about it, her mind was flooded with memories. Each left her wondering how so much love could come from a tie that wasn't bonded with blood.

Maybe, she thought to her self, I've been looking at it all wrong. Maybe it wasn't blood that bonded families, maybe it was the love the members shared.

"AARGH!" Chanel finally yelled out, throwing her phone at the other couch in the living room.

"I'm done. I'm done, I'm done, I'm done." She walked to the other couch, aggressively picked up her phone and turned it off. She then walked into her kitchen and placed it on top of her fridge.

"I need some time to clear my thoughts and stay away from everything."

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