October 4, 2016 (2)

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Later that day, Tom, Danielle, Candice, Carlos, Chanel, and a few other crew members met at Candice's apartment to watch the premiere of "The Flash Season 3". Grant Gustin, the man who played the main role on The Flash, was absent since he had flown to New York three days prior for the EW Pop Fanfest.

"Okay, we have the pizza, drinks, popcorn, chips and chocolate." Candice walked into the room with a satisfied look in her eyes. Suddenly the door bell rang and everyone became quiet. "That must be the others." Candice cheered before leaving the room to welcome her guests. When she came back, she had a smile on her face. "Good news! Everyone's here!" Candice cheered as she walked in. She was followed by Tom Cavanagh, Keiynan Lonsdale and Violette Beane, the the actors that play the role of Harrison Wells, Wally West and Jessi Wells on the show respectively.

"Where's the food?" Tom Cavanagh joked immediately as he entered the room, his hands raised.

Candice rolled her eyes before jokingly slapping Tom's shoulder. "Stop with the food."

"Hey! It's almost 7:00!" Chanel checked her watch and commented while the others laughed, but she wasn't heard.

Tom, who conveniently was sitting in front of Channel, noticed how no one paid attention towards her. "Looks like you three got here on time, the show is about to start." Everyone looked up at the clock that showed the numbers 6:59 in bright colours.

"Oops, you're right." Candice jumped over a few things before reaching for her remote. She was able tune into the CW network Channel right before the intro to the third season of The Flash began to play.

"Thank god Chanel reminded me." Tom stated nonchalantly as his back sunk into the back of the sofa.

He ignored the stares that bored into his head, since everyone was well aware that Chanel was sitting on the opposite side of the room. Chanel gave Tom a shocked expression, not knowing how to react. Soon the show started and everyone diverted their gazes to the television, intently watching the show.

Candice eyed both Chanel and Tom discreetly, only lightly paying attention to the show. She had a feeling about the two.

[WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL!! You all got this book to 20k reads?!? I honestly can't believe it, thank you so much ☺️☺️.]

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