October 6, 2016 (5)

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Candice was worried about both Chanel and Tom. She understood how secrets could ruin relationships, severely. That's definitely one thing she learned from working on The Flash.

She put her phone down sighing wondering how things would end. The sad part of everything was that she could understand where both parties were coming from and it confused her about what would happen and what would be the best thing to do.

She sat quietly in her thoughts until another presence joined her. "You doing okay?" Next to her sat Jesse L. Martin, the man who played her father on screen, holding a cup of iced coffee for her. "You seemed to be a little too deep in thought."

Candice let out a weak laugh. "You could say that." She accepted the iced coffee with a smile and began to fidget with the corner of the label.

"You know you can always talk to me." Jesse smiled while looking down at Candice.

Candice hesitated for a second. However, she was unsure if she should. "There are these two people. They're both friends of mine. They met accidentally by text and one doesn't know who the other is. And..." Candice took a moment to look up at Jesse, who had a confused expression on his face. "Long story short, I'm worried about them. I don't want either of them to get hurt." Candice muttered almost inaudibly.

"Well I think its great that you're worried about them and all, but maybe you're over thinking about it. Good things all come in good time. Don't worry Candice." Jesse comforted the younger girl. Seeing Candice hesitate, he placed his hand on the younger girl's hand. Candice looked up and saw Jesse's warming smile. "Things will end up fine Candice. Don't worry and don't be rash."

Candice nodded slowly and gave Jesse a grateful smile. "You're right," she admitted.

"Good, now come on, we have a group interview." With a laugh, the two got up and left together.

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