October 6, 2016 (3)

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Omg Draco!
I'm so sorry about last night
I was out of my mind to text you that

😅 I figured

Hey, don't laugh at me

😂kind of hard not to

Well your mean. 😓

Anyway, I have a surprise for you
But I'm busy right now, so later

What is it?

I can't tell you 😒
It wouldn't be a surprise otherwise

Anyway, I have to go to work
See you Draco

Bye 👋

[I apologize beforehand for the following message.... But...
Guess who's fucking queen is on Supergirl?!? MINE!!! Yes, you got it. My queen, the one actress I dare claim queen no matter what, is on Supergirl. Now, because of school, I haven't watched any of the new seasons so I don't know much. But I saw her in a preview and I saw her announcement and my heart failed to compute. I've known this for a while, but I finally have the time to fangirl, so...

Guess who it is and comment below. I have a few more chapter typed up and I'll reveal it in one of them.]

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