October 13, 2016

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It had been about two days since Chanel found out that the nice kind person she had been texting, Draco, was the one and only Tom Felton.

The girl was confused and lost. Her mind was disoriented and stuck, for the lack of a better term. She was falling into her self. The truth is she didn't know why she was upset at Tom. She was bound to find out his real identity sooner or later, so why was she mad?

Inside she knew that it wasn't really Tom she was mad at. She was frustrated at herself, for what? She was still figuring it out.

Chanel spent a lot of her free time going through her old messages with 'Draco' and she began to realize that there were many moments where it should have been obvious to her that Draco was Tom.

"I'm an idiot," Chanel muttered to herself. She sat on her couch, curled up, her head leaning against the back. She held her phone with one hand and scrolled through it aimlessly. However she set her mind, she always found herself going back to her messages with Tom. 

It felt weird and strange to her to say Tom instead of Draco.

Chanel shook her head, exiting the messaging app, once again. "What is wrong with you?" Chanel asked herself. She stood up with a strange new perseverance. "You can't avoid him. You will see him around on set." She spoke to herself as she started to pace around her living room. The girl had lucked out for the past two days because Tom wasn't at shooting, but he will be there tomorrow.

Chanel sighed, disappointed at how child-ish she was being. She flopped back onto her couch, tired and just wanting to hide. "What am I going to do?"

[A/N: I have the Grammarly extension on chrome, which is where I write, and it's telling me that this may sound sad to the readers. Well then, mission accomplished, anyone feeling sad?

Anyway, there seems to be a problem with my phone and wattpad and publishing... so try four.

<3 Enjoy! ]

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