September 5, 2016 (2)

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"Hey guys." Tom looked up from his phone to see Greg. The other actors next to Tom also looked up to face the producer. "Starting next week, my PA, Chanel, will be around more often. Instead of me coming to the sets, Chanel will watch over and report back to me. You can share any complaints or concerns with her and she'll inform me. And I will inform you guys of any new news through her."

Tom's ear perked up as Greg said the name of his PA. Chanel. He thought to himself. What a pretty name.

Tom wasn't going to lie, he was slightly curious about this girl he had been texting recently. He wasn't even sure why he continued to text her.

Tom liked the company she provided. The way she didn't question him or treat him like he was ruling the world. He understood his childhood acting career as Draco Malfoy was something most people envied, but he found it as a burden. He wanted to live a simple life. A life of waking up, going to work, coming home and spending time with family.

When he texted Chanel, he felt like it was a possibility. He felt like one day he could get away from the chaotic film industry.

"Hey, Tom, are you okay?" A voice snapped the man out of his thoughts.

"Pardon?" He asked. "Oh yes, yes I am." He responded, facing the owner of the voice, Carlos Valdes. He was relatively shorter than the other cast members and had long black hair.

"Dude, you look like you've gone to La La Land."

"What?" Tom raised his eyebrows at what he felt to be preposterous words. He most definitely didn't go to La La Land whilst thinking of Chanel. He wasn't even in La La Land.

"They're calling us onto set." Another male interfered, "its time for our night out scene." He wiggled his eyebrows making Tom laugh. The man, Grant, was slightly taller and had brown hair. His goofy expression often reminded Tom of Daniel Radcliffe. Which was amusing because Daniel was a one of a kind.

"Come on." Tom patted Grant's back while laughing, before following him to the CSI Lab set.

[I'm back! Damn, I really don't like exams. Anyway, I apologize for the cringey chapter, but it got the point across right? Love you guys . Thanks for reading this book. ]

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