July 29, 2016

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A man stared at his phone, watching the message being sent. He felt a little sorry for replying to the text late, but he was busy shooting a scene. And he was pretty sure the director wouldn't have been infuriated by such an unprofessional move. Well, you can't please everyone. He sighed to himself.

"Tom? We need you back on set." Another lady called.

The man clicked the lock button on his phone and looked up smiling. "Of course." He replied.

"Thank you!" The woman exclaimed smiling. Tom, then got up and followed the woman onto set.

"Ready Tom?" The director asked as he saw the young man. The dirty blonde man simply nodded and gave him a well mannered "yes". With that, he got into character and began acting as Julian Albert, a CSI on the show 'The Flash'.

Texting [Tom Felton]Where stories live. Discover now