September 11, 2016 (6)

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Not too long after, Chanel found herself on a plane bound for Toronto. She was jumpier than usual, which was probably caused by the anxiety that bubbled with in her.

A few hours later, when she had landed, she hailed a cab and was driven to her old home. The one she had grown up in.

It was strange for her, the house brought memories of all sorts. Putting all of it aside, Chanel pressed the door bell, ready to deal with the situation.

A little girl had opened the door for her. Kelsey's daughter.

"Aunty Shay!" The little girl squealed out. Then her expression changed quickly. "Come come." The little girl grabbed Chanel's hand and dragged her in. "Granny no okay. She get giant boo boo." The little girl gestured with her small hands. "Mommy take granny to hospital, Daddy take you too, to see granny."

The little girl guided Chanel to the garage, where her sister's husband waited. "Kelvin." Chanel acknowledged him.

"Chanel." Kelvin replied with a smile. "It's been a while." Chanel dropped her head and nodded. "I was just getting the car ready. You can leave your things here and we can be on our way." He smiled slightly understanding the situation Chanel was in.

"I just have my hand bag. We can go now." Chanel mumbled loud enough for Kelvin to hear.

"Okay then." The older man responded. Let's go then. He then bended down to pick up his daughter, who had ran over to him earlier.


The ride to the hospital was quiet. Chanel sat in the back with her niece. When the three had gotten to the hospital, they were quietly guided to a different part of the hospital.

"Here is the patient you are looking for." The kind nurse stated before leaving the three. Chanel took in a deep breathe before opening the door.

The sight she saw immediately broke her heart. There, on a hospital bed, laid her mother, pale and fragile, unconscious. IV's and heart monitors were attached to the old woman.

"Oh my god, Mom." Chanel dropped her bag and ran towards her mom. "Granny doing better?" Chanel looked backwards to see her niece hugging her sister tightly around

"We aren't sure what happened. The doctors think she might of had a stroke."

Tears silently fell out of Chanel's eyes as she paid no attention to anything but her mother.

Not long after, Kelsey, Kelvin and their daughter left saying that they would return later. Chanel stayed by her mother's bed. She the older woman stories about her new life. Occasionally the doctor would come by to check. Her mother's condition apparently didn't get any better or worse.

At around 11:30 that night, Kelvin had back to the hospital with Kelsey. Kelsey took over Chanel's place and Kelvin took Chanel back to the airport.

"Thank you." Chanel told the older boy when he dropped her off. The two then separated ways.

Chanel's plane ended up being delayed. She waited in the airport, occasionally buying coffee to keep herself awake. She called Kelsey from time to time to see if her mother was doing any better. Sadly, no better news was told.

At 11:59, Chanel noticed she had two unread message. They were from Draco.

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