August 1, 2016 (2)

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Chanel put down her phone and smiled. It had been a while since she had genuinely had a good laugh. The last few weeks had been really tough and she was slightly clueless in what to do. She thought it would be best to just move on, but some wounds just wouldn't close up.

Sighing, Chanel got up from her seat on the couch and walked towards the balcony. She currently lived in a old apartment close to the coast of Vancouver. It wasn't much, but it was all she could afford right now.

In the past week alone, Chanel had broken all her ties with all the people she loved. Her parents had kicked her out two months ago, which she understood. She was 28, single, and jobless. Not how she thought she'd be. The reason Chanel currently stayed away from her parents was the way they had kicked her out. They told her to leave and angrily revealed to her that she also wasn't actually their child. Since then, Chanel had constantly felt like she was stuck on an island on her own, isolated from the rest of society.

She began to be distant, and slowly her friends started avoiding her. The last straw was her boyfriend. After she had found him sleeping with his ex, Chanel had given up.

Chanel leaned onto the rail as she looked over the city. It was dusk and the colours of the sky fanned out in the horizon. Her eyes slowly followed the colours to the ground below her. Living on the 12th floor had its perks and down falls. There was the beautiful view, and then there was the ground beckoning to come closer with her fear of falling.

Closing her eyes, Chanel took a deep breathe in. A strange sensation bubbled with in her as her heart slowly warm. Maybe starting over again wasn't so bad.

With a newly found motivation, she smiled.

7 billion people in the world and she doesn't even know 70 thousand of them. She probably has only seen 700 thousand other humans.

Maybe there is still hope for me.

[ARGH!! WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?! I'm sorry that was short, but I like being brief.

I also prefer short chapters compared to long ones anyways. (Looks at other books) lets not even go there.

I think I'm happy with it 🙃. Anyway. Thanks again for reading, love you all! Bye!]

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