October 6, 2016 (4)

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[Private Chat]

Unknown 1
I need to ask you a question.


Unknown 1
Does Chanel know that you've been texting her?

I've been meaning to tell her

Unknown 1
I think you should tell her sooner than later.
You know she won't treat you any differently from how she treats you now.

You're right
I should tell her, but I like this simple friendship we have now.

Unknown 1
I'm sure she does to
And both of you will like it more when you reveal who you are

What if she freaks

Unknown 1
She won't
She is like super chill
You should know that
You're the one that texts her

Fine, I guess you're right
I'll tell her when we get back to Vancouver

Unknown 1
thank you

I have to go, see you around

Unknown 1
Okay, bye

[*Sing song* Amy Jackson is on Supergirl, Amy Jackson is on Supergirl.
Yes, she is my queen, and if someone doesn't stop me, I might just write a fanfiction

Wierd fact of the day!: I like flat soda.

Anyway, why am I publishing you may ask. Something sad happened to me, and this is me coping right now.
P.S. Please add my book Destiny's Daughter to your reading list for more info on new books and when I'll be updating again. <3 <3]

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