October 1, 2016

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Days passed and Chanel grew closer to the cast and crew of the 4 shows. She enjoyed spending time with all of them and they enjoyed her presence too. Chanel was content with life, except for the small detail that she still didn't know who 'Draco' was.

So far Chanel had deduced that he was on the show often enough, but not a regular. She really didn't have much time to put thought into the matter, but it did pop up from time to time. If only she thought about it, she could have figured out that 'Draco' was the one and only Tom Felton.

But the day she was to find out the truth about the star wasn't too far away.

Tom on the other hand enjoyed admiring the girl from afar. He learned that she was in fact no stalker and just as kind in real life than she was through text.

[I really shouldn't be updating. I have a lot of stuff to do. The usual homework and school excuse, but this year I also chose to focus on my dance more, which was a bad idea, and I already committed to it so no backing away now. Thank you for all the love you've given me. ❤❤️ Bye!]

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