I Love You

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Dedicating this chapter to SarahKay67. I write because I love writing for my own enjoyment. But when fans tell me that they enjoy what I write...that motivates me and makes me want to finish chapters! I'm glad you like my story chika(:  I won't leave you hanging I promise lol<3

It's Christmas Eve guys as i'm writing this. I'm hoping to get it out on Christmas for you lovely fellows as my X-Mas present to you, So here it goes(:

hha yeah I didn't finish it on Christmas eve. Srry.  Merry 28th of December(:


Whispers filled the silence as I was poked and prodded in the back to keep walking. I finally opened my eyes and it all hit me at once. The familiar scent, the sight, the sounds of burning fire wood. The castle that once symbolized the wealth and power of the Knights. The place I once called home.

Now all it was was a squared built of stones. It no longer gave me that feeling of security that used to envelop me. Nothing about this place did. Not after what happened here. I'd never feel at home again with my pack for I had severed all ties to them when I left.

Thunder secured my arms behind my back and cuffed them with silver handcuffs. The burning pain made me grind my teeth but I welcomed it. It was the first thing i've felt in days.

A walk way to the castle was formed from my old pack. They outlined a little weaving path. They stared in shock, their jaws on the ground. That's right bitches, get a nice, good, long look. I wasn't going to show them my distraught of being back here so I did what I did best. I masked it with a lazy smile.

Keeping my head held high, my back straight and a smirk on my face I passed each bystander. I didn't meet eyes with any of them. Not in fear of what I might find in there, but of what I might not find. These people should hate me for what I did. If I saw anything other than hatred in their eyes, i'm pretty sure i'm front would come crumbling down.

It was easier to imagine everyone hated you if you didn't know whether they actually did or not.

Jericho walked up beside me and put his hand on my lower back and way to close to my ass in my opinion. I growled at him but he didn't remove it. He just smirked. Stick my foot out to the side and was atonished that he went down like a tree. Grunting, he hit the ground and a swarm of gasps surrounded us. Thunder stopped in his tracks as Jeremy went to help him up.

I risked a glance at Jericho as he was getting up. Daggers were sent my way. I simply shrugged my shoulders and contorted my face into a look of innocence.

"Whoops." His rage morphed into amusement and my amusement changed into rage. Without waiting for any of the buffoons I stalked off towards the castle, my nose in the air.

"Wait, Sage. Don't want to wander off without me now do you dear?"

"That was the point you jackass." He chuckled, placing his hand back on my ass.

"Come now love, no need for such language here. I haven't seen you in over a month." I tried to pick up my speed but he just snaked the arm around my waist, gluing me to his side.

"I don't understand why you're doing all this. Just give me a knife so I can kill myself. I'd rather do that then help you in your little scheme." We fianlly reached the castle door and he ushered me in, shutting the door in Jeremy and Thunders face in the process. I was going to smirk but my mouth was suddenly occupied with something else.

His lips were exactly as they had been before I left. Hard and demanding. His kisses weren't to love, they were to dominate. To show who was really in charge.

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