Ferris Wheel<3

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This is just going to be a filler chapter K guys?

I've got a severe case of writers block but I want to post at least something so I thought I'd do something fun(: I think you guys will like it to<3

Dedicating this chapter to BandGeek333 for commenting and i like your picture. Freaking obsessed with Hunger Games<3


"Are we there yet?!" I took one hand off the wheel to begin rubbing my temple. It'd been only for half an hour since we picked up the second to last Alpha and she'd repeadly asked the same annoying question every 5 minutes on the dot. She was just pissed I made her sit in the back in her own car.

"Jess! We are not any closer to our destination than we were 5 minutes ago. Why don't you take a nap or something?" I glanced up into the review mirror to see her shooting daggers at me.

Aria and Richard, the guy Sage fought, and his beta were fighting in the middle.

"Why don't you go shove that stick up your stupid Beta's a-"

"Why are you so hostile towards me! You should be lucky i'm helping you and your stupid pack!"

"You're only helping because your as strong as my defenseless fish!" I felt like kicking them all out. Tuning them out I looked to the very back. To Sage. She hadn't muttered a single word since we left and silently agreed when Remi asked to sit up front by me. She was staring intently out the window. I wanted ask her what was wrong.

Sage. I took my eyes off the road for a split second.

Hmm? She turned her head towards me which seemed to knock her out of her trance. Her trademark smirk returning to her face.

Miss me already? It hasn't even been half an hour. I heard her let out a soft chuckle. I gave a small smile but on the inside I was troubled. These little moments of her seemed to be happening more often than not. Something was obviously bothering her.

What's wrong? She looked taken back by my words.

What's wrong? I'm all the way in the back of the freaking car when we should be snuggling in the back here like lovey dovey couples do.

I rolled my eyes and went back to focusing on driving. I'd ask again later.

"There's supposed to be a celebration today." Richard accounced, more to himself than us, when Aria fianlly stop beating on him.

"Why's that?"

"It's Cristella's birthday." Everyone in the car laughed except me, Jess, Aria and Remi. Even Sage was silently chuckling in the back. Obviously there in on something I wasn't.

"There's going to be fireworks tonight boys. Ace take a right up here and keep going straight. We're almost there." I followed Sage's instruction and went left. There was a steep hill I had to drive up which took about 5 minutes but I made it.

I heard a gasp from Remi reach my ear as soon as we made it all the way up the hill. Everyone followed in sync as they shoved thirty ugly faces up against the Windows. I wanted to see when they were talking about so I glanced over my right shoulder and my eyebrows raised in astonishment.

"Ace pull over! Pull! Over!" Aria all but screamed in my ear. Turning on my blinker I pulled over to the side of the railing and turned off the car. Everyone immediately unbuckled their seatbelts and shuffled out of the car to see the night attraction down below. We all gathered around the railing, side by side as "ooooo's" and "awwwww's" were thrown around. It looked like a canyon of broccoli. You ever seen Ice Age 2 the meltdown? They all lived in a valley or canyon of ice that circulated around themselves and their homes? Well that's what this was like.

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