Close Call

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Hey guys. Sorry this chapter was...late i guess???   And i'm just going to post this up even though i haven't fixed the other chapter yet XD.....still working on that.

but on the bright side IM IN WASHINGTON!!! You guys.....just a piece of advice. If a really cute perv ever asks you to come over to his house to play "pool" or "COD"   DONT GO!!! ITS A TRAP!

Lesson learned.

P.s.: He was a friend. I'm not that stupid.

And dedicating this story to erinleigh0 because I feel bad she didn't get to read the last chapter >.<   I'm sorry hun!!!


I don't think i've eer felt so relaxed. Becoming friendds with Safe felt like a huge burden had been lifted off my shoulders. I actually hadn't expected the word "friends" to coem out of her mouth. Not only that, but the thought that she's right has crossed my mind on more than one occasion.

I was born into a world - a life- where choosing my mate isn't an option. Isn't finding your mate like meeting a friggin hot stranger?

I've given this much thought and i'm not really being forced into anything. Sage came into my life and I was instantly attracted to her. I'd just have to date her and get to know her first.

Myabe it had been Jaokb that had swayed my mind to resist mates. Jakob. The word tasted sour on my tongue. My own flesh and blood had betrayed his pack. Joined the rogues. I'd looked up to my older brother more than anything. His words had been law  in my eyes and I had trusted him with my life. And he betrayed me. It's also his fault that I had to be Alpha now.

Sage reminds me of him a lot. Jakob had always been bold, outspoken and a prankster. He had no filter for his mouth and the consequences of his actions were of little matter. She is the same and yet completely different. I just have this feeling that she would never never betray me the way Jakob did or in any way for that matter. To me, she was the eye of my hurricane. The only calm thing in my disasterous life.

There had been a snow storm last night and we were all forced to stay another week. Over the past few days I've grown really close to her and I can't help by be impressed with everything she says.

She didn't talk about her family much except for her vague answers of "it's complicated", "I came from Shrek, can't you tell?", and "I'm Diana Agron's twin. Look it up".

"Hiya stranger." A melodious voice called out beside me. I looked over and smiled when I saw Sage plunk down in the seat next to me with her cup of cocoa. I don't think I've seen this chick once without a serving of hot chocolate.

"Hey yourself," I replied. "Its snowing again." She let out a breath on looked out the window.

"So I've seen." She pulled her feet up to her chest and I took in her appearance. Her bed head gave off the idea that shed just rolled out of bed. She had no make up on either and just like always, her clothes camoflauged her shape. But as of that moment, even with the little frown and her perfectly arched eyebrows she looked like the most beautiful creature walking this earth.

"You know, I havent seen you leave this house cabin once since we got here."

"I have my reasons." Her mind seemed to wander once again. I had noticed lately that she does this a lot. As if she's having a conflicting war inside her head. And she's losing. I've seen the way she looks at the outside world. Nothing brings a brighter smile to her face than when snow is in her range of sight. Her face lights up like a kids on Christmas morning and she bites her lip in attempt to hold in her excitement. She let's out a cute giggle and starts for the door; but then she stops dead in her tracks. The warring in her head starts until she finally sighs and walks back over to the window. She just sits there, looking out of it with such longing. A haunting gleam in her eyes.

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