Run Away

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Hey guys, Going to try a new story. Really been thinking of this one and the more I plan for it the happier it makes me:3

Please read! It'd mean the world to meh haha:D!!!!


The howls started going off as soon as our feet left the edge of the wall. I clutched the head of my little brother tightly against my chest as I braced myself for impact. Hitting the ground hard I felt a sharp pain shoot through my legs. Not long after there were the sounds of familiar feet land behind me and knew my mother was right on my heels.

Ignoring the pain, I took off running in the woods. Night had already claimed the light of day leaving nothing but the light of the moon as our guide.  I ran, dodging around trees and cursing myself everytime a twig snapped under my feet.

My brother started to make a noise and I told him to hush. We were too far in our plan to be caught now.... but our plan was so fatally flawed. We were escaping on foot and they would come after us on paw. Once we reached the river we would change. Liam was too young to shift change into a pup and hold him by the neck. So until then we were on our own. 

I could feel them getting closer to us and it set my nerves on edge. What if we got caught? I had seen what the rogues did to traitors. Thinking of the consequences made my blood run cold. I just couldn't afford to think like that.

They were gaining ground, but thankfully we were close to the river. So close I could hear the water flowing over the rocks on the bottom, eroding the earth around it.

We stopped at the edge of the bank and my put Liam on the green grass. I immediately shifted into my wolf form, cursing that my fur was pure white, and my mother went to work on the wrap. I wouldn't be able to carry him as a wolf so my mom Brought a shawl to tie him to me so I could cross the river without one of us drowning.

When we were sure Liam wouldn't fall out of it my mother shifted and we started to make our way toward the water. That was when they came. We took off into the water faster but one of them lunged at me. The largest of the group: Thunder. 

I tried to dodge him and were it not for my mother tackling him out of the way it would have been my neck between his razor teeth instead of the dirt he landed in. She was struggling against him and I prepared to pounce with a heavy heart. My mother and  I heard other growls on my left and right and knew that I was soon going to be surrounded. These people had been my family...


She screamed through our mind-link. 

Get Liam out of here! 

I snapped out of my daze and started swimming as fast as my legs could muster. I reached the bank on the other side and turned around to see my mom as a human. Two men were holding her up right and another in front of her. A dangerously beautiful man turned his dark chocolate eyes to gaze across at me. Everything about him was familiar. To his strong build to his scar across his eyebrow. Jericho. I saw her spit in his face and I felt pride a pang of pride, then his fist swung and hit her across the face.

I felt anger boil up inside me. My wolf was fighting to take contol. She wanted to go back and tear Jericho limb from limb as much, if not more, as I wanted to. At least I knew now who I was going to kill first when I came back for my revenge.

I turned around and took back off into the woods, getting as far away as I could before they came after me next. I had a little brother to think about and I was thankful because were it not for him, I would have gone back and tried to kill them all.

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