The Lost Get Found

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Well guys, srry for the wait.

Dedicating this to AndreaakaThor.   Thanks for the comment you posted lol. It's nice to know my fans really love this book haha<3 3


Ace POV:

Two weeks, three days and seven hours. That's how long I had until the rogues were scheduled to attack. I had less than three weeks to finish rounding up allies, devise a plan to successfully infiltrate the rogues base and steal back what belonged to me; I had less than three weeks to do the impossible. Where was Ethan Hunt when you needed him?

I hadn't seen Sage since Jeremy had snuck me into his base, but we have been able to communicate through letters that Jeremy delivers once a week.

Though there was much to do in terms of preparation, I could not shake the images of the rogue camp; it was unlike anything I had ever laid eyes upon. What they lacked in numbers they more than made up for in strength and intelligence. Never in my life had I seen such advanced technology; It hurt my head to think about trying to penetrate just their outer wall of defenses. I was going to need numbers, brains, a thousand pounds of luck and Sage.

She was the key to this whole shebang and I could only hope that things were going more smoothly over there than they were here.



Disaster. That - and many other synonyms- was the only word I could use to describe this situation. I was lying on a table receiving a Swedish massage while Ace was trying to hatch a plan to save his father and his pack.

I couldn't stress it hard enough. Being here was just a bad, bad, bad idea. The more I was here the more I felt like my past self. I was so comfortable in her skin and her daily routines that I kept finding myself wondering just why I had left in the first place. The respect, the riches and the power that came along with the name Sage Knight were more than what Kings and Queens received in their prime.

I missed walking through our land where my subjects would stop and kneel as I passed. I missed having servants at my every beck and call and the rush of empowerment that it gave me. I missed what used to make I didn't know who I was at the moment but all I know is that I was falling in love with all that was me again.

"Harder" I murmured to the servant kneading my flesh. She pressed her thumbs deeper into my muscles and I gave out a throaty moan.

"Now that is a sound I wouldn't mind hearing again." I sighed in annoyance. I'd felt him come into my room but I had hoped that he'd walked away. My slaves soft hands were replaced by bigger and rougher ones. My eyes flew open as he grounded his thumbs into the knots that had buried their way into my muscles.

He ordered my slave away leaving just me and Jericho in the room. His hands, now slick with oil, slid up my back and then back down; each time his hands grazing a little lower. It sent shivers through my skin and it reminded me of the time I'd almost slept with Jericho.

"Go any lower and I'll cut your damn hands off." As the last word left my tongue I felt an absence of his hands on my back. My eyes flew open immediately as I felt them reappear on my sides when he flipped me around on my back. Climbing up onto the table he pressed himself against me and fitted himself in between my legs.

"Well now, you don't seem to be in any position to be giving me orders. Now do ya, love?" And with that he smashed his warm lips against my own.


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