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Soooooo......I'm going to start uploading each one of  my stories every Saturday. ONLY one Saturdays. I got my selft a job during the week so ill only have time on this one day. Just so you all know my updating schedule(:

Guys!!! A lot of ppl are really liking my stories!!(:  It makes me freaking bounce off the walls when I see someone fan me or like my story or add it to their reading list!!! I feel like such a celeb:D

Ok, here we go!



            So I've been giving this much thought and I think I've finally come up with a decision. I'm just going to wear a mask around Sage from now on. I mean, masks are sexy right? Wrong. I threw the mask back in the pile of all the other gruesome looking covers and sighed. What was I going to do with that chick?

            I had decided to skip fourth hour and roam around town for a bit to clear my head when I decided that I'm just going to skip the rest of school. Who needs all that stuff anyway? Am I going to need to know chemistry to lead a pack of wild dogs into battle? I need a brain that thinks well in tough situations. Not how to decipher Shakespeare. Math and history I could totally understand though. Pythagorean Theorem? Whoever said that that thing wasn't going to be needed was entirely wrong.  

            She hadn't talked to me since that incident at the pool. She ignored me when I looked at her and when I decided to ignore her instead she would just leave the room! I didn't understand how her mind worked. My comment wasn't even that bad.

            Even Aria and Jess were ignoring me now. I needed to get my mind off the whole drama sitch and I knew exactly how to do that. I reached into my pocket and dialed a number. Bringing it up to my ear I listened to the ringing before I heard a huge roaring in my ear.

            "Ace Alburn where the hell are you?! Where do you get off thinking that you can just go and skip school whenever you want to? Get your-"

            "Remi, come hang with me...." I interrupted. She went quiet for a moment and I heard her scoff.

            "I'm working at the moment, Ace. I can't just take off like some people." I could picture her rolling her chocolate brown eyes at me.

            "Please, Remi. I just need someone to talk to. I could ask Caiden if you want." I wasn't really going to ask Caiden. But she didn't know that and I doubted she would actually let Caiden get away with actually ditching school. She'd kill him before he even stepped foot off campus.

            I heard a sigh on the other end and then it got quiet. "Where are you?" A grin replaced my grimace and silently fist pumped my arm. I was going out with Remi. My mind was already slipping away from Sage.

            "Meet me at Dennys."

            "I'll see you in ten." I told her okay and hung up the phone. I just stood there in the middle of Party City and took off sprinting for my car. I hopped in and started it, not caring that I was speeding the whole way to the diner. I arrived there in a short amount of time and felt kind of disappointed when I saw her car already parked there.

            I pulled down the mirror thing and ran my hands through my hair and then put it back up. I got out of the car and shoved a hand in my pocket. I opened the door and looked around the diner for her. I saw her seated across the diner at a table by the window. I smiled and walked over to see her. I felt the eyes of girls on me but I didn't notice any of them as I got closer to Remi.

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