With My Bestfriend

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ey guys!!!  You will never guess what!  IM GOING HOME!!!!!!!!!!!  Washington!!! My flight is on the tenth and I’ll be flying there and imam freaking party with all mi homies!! I haven’t seen them in years! That’s what happens when you live acroos the freaking country……… ugh!

Anyway, here’s a new chap. BTW I FINALLY upload My Alpha Mate and me. So if you like tht story, I’ve finally posted a new chap. Just saying(:

Dedicating this to Emmy07 Because she fanned me a while back and she's the writer of one of my favorite stories!!!!(:  If you haven't read her books GO READ THEM :D!!!!!!! I suggest Who's Laughing Now!!!<3 Holla!


            I clenched my fists tightly together until my tanned knuckled turned a pale white color and grinded my teeth together to keep from yelling out in frustration. I Don’t know if this was karma for going out with Remi or what but what I was seeing right now, yeah, I didn’t like it.

            This morning Jessica had called us all over because she had some “exciting news” to tell everyone. I had just rolled my eyes and told her to f*** off but that only seemed to anger her. She hung up on me and next thing I know my door slammed open and I’m being beaten with my own fruit!

            I was hit in the eye with a banana, the balls with an apple, I ended up with blueberries in my mouth and I don’t even want to say what she did with my mother’s watermelon. There should be a law on not hurt future Alpha’s too! At this rate I’d never live to even BE alpha!

            I finally agreed to go with her when she started to remove her heels and make her way towards me with a grimace that would have had The Grinch hiding under a rock. She pinched my ear and pulled me out the door while I groaned in protest. She was mumbling a bunch of profanities at me and opened up the trunk of her car and ordered me in it.

            I laughed at her joke but my smile was short lived when I realized that she was being serious. She didn’t actually expect me to get in that did she? No. No way was I getting in the trunk of her car. I’d suffocate. I started to walk to the passenger side of her little car when she pulled off her shoe again.

            So yeah, that’s how my day started, riding inside of a freakishly small trunk and that’s not even the big thing that pissed me off. I swear was driving slow on purpose just to lengthen my torture and she slammed on the breaks any chance she got. Every time she did she would call me and laugh her freaking annoying little cackle as loud as she could in my ear. So I just stopped answering my phone.

            She unlocked the trunk when the car came to a stop and I opened the lid higher, gasping in for air. Now I know how it’d feel to be in a coffin underground. I looked around to Jessica but it seems she’d already taken off into the house. I decided that I was going to make her life a living hell when I became Alpha. She thought living in this pack was hard now? Yeah, just wait until I was head dog you bimbo.

            I ran a hand through my hair and pounced up the steps to her front door. I opened the door and walked right on in. I heard voices in the living room and Jessica was there already explaining her idea to everyone. She looked at me and scolded me for being late. I felt like flipping her off. I looked around the room to see who else was there and froze. It was just out little group: Me, Jess, Aria, Keegan and Sage. But that’s not what had me frozen. Sage was sitting on Keegan’s lap and he was nuzzling her neck while she laughed.

            And that’s what has be in such a sour mood. I’m sitting in Aria’s hummer but watching my best friend totally flirting and kissing my mate. I felt three things at that moment: Shock, confusion, and anger. I was shocked what Keegan would even try and go for my mate. My mate. I was confused on why they were even together. When the frick did this happen?! And I was mostly angry that my bestfriend had his lips all over Sage. Everything in my body screamed to go and punch the crap out of Keegan and kiss the breath out of Sage.

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