Capture the Flag

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YO GUYS!!! Ok it's Valentine's day today;) and If your reading this and its NOT Valentines day then Shhh. As of the moment, it is. And updating takes me weeks.

I love the game Capture the flag. I used to play it all the time in elementary school(: You know, a couple millenia ago </3 I'm so old guys, I even have wrinkles. jk...



Capture the flag. I hadn't played that game since I was in elementary school. I couldn't say that my mate didn't spark some kind of interest in me, but that was better kept to myself. From what I'd gathered about her in the couple minutes I'd known her was she was extremely daring and no where near being shy.

Just lovely.

I checked my phone to see the time. It was 8 and the sun was finally going down. About time too. Sage had suggested we play capture the flag and at first everyone objected, until she added a little twist and told us her rules of playing.

They were actually quite simple, and that's what made them so interesting. Our pack would be split into two groups. Half would take the north side of the creek and the other the south. You couldn't hide your flag somewhere the other team wouldn't be able to put it and you could only have one person guarding the flag within a 20 ft. radius. 

How her rules differed though were there was no jail. You fought to stay in the game and it didn't matter how you took them down. All was fair. However, if you got pinned, you were out of the game until it was finished. And once you defeated someone you were to send their name through the mind link.

You played in the dark in your wolf form which made it even more fun and only if you got the flag back across the creek were you able to win. Other than that though there were no rules.

This game actually sounded and Caden even invited Remi for my sake. I was praying that we ended up on the same team.

I checked my phone again and it was 10 past .Where the hell was Sage? This whole thing was her idea anyway. Our whole pack was here with Caden, Remi, Aria, Jessica and me in the front. I felt her before I saw her. Her golden mane soon making it's way into my view a little after.

She was taking her time walking over here. I walked over towards her and she met me half way instead of waiting. Her usual smile formed on her lips and I felt my anger abate a little.

"What took you so long?" I said a little harsher than I wanted it to, but it didn't seem to phase her at all. Instead her intensified as she lowered her eyes down my body and back up.

"I was thinking of you naked." She winked at me.

"That was rather bold of you." Giving her the same reply I had earlier.

"Baby, you won't even know the meaning of bold until you've spent a day with me." I actually found the corner of my mouth twitching "Now move your cute butt that way. I've got a game to start."

She walked over to the front of the crowd and as soon as she climbed up the tree to where it had been chopped down the whole pack quieted immediately. She looked like a natural born leader standing up there and it made me wonder how fate could be so cruel.

"I want all the dark haired wolves there!" She pointed behind her. "And all the light haired wolves over there!" She pointed in front of her. They all separated themselves in a quickly fashion, as if they were given an order from an Alpha.

"Now, You all know the rules." She reached down her shirt and pulled out two bandannas and waved them in the air. One was yellow and the other orange. Bright colors. I made my way over to the dark haired side and Remi and Jessica joined me.

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