New Girl

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It's Monday!!! and I watched I am Number four today!! IF U HAVEN:T SEEN IT YET THEN GO WATCH IT!

GO! *sicks a german shepard on you* FASTER!!!

Alex and Dianna were such a cute couple I just HAD to make them Sage and Ace;) 

The song for this chapter is "Who Dat Girl" Guys i adore Akon;) no joke. I've been listening to this song nonstop lol!



A new week, a new day, and a new reason to want to go home. I shoved my hands in my pockets and blew out a frustrated breath. Looking at the bulletin board in front of Mr. Chavez's classroom. An ugly red D was staring me down. Mocking me.

What was the point in studying for tests if all it ever did was confuse me even more and give me D's? I hated to admit it, but I needed a tutor. 

I grimace fell across my face as I thought about the list of chores that would be awaiting my arrival home. Manual labor. Not my thing.

Honestly, the only thing that could make this worse is if I failed history as well. The downside to going to a school with humans, you had to learn about their pointless historical past. Slaves, wars, assassinations, and let's not forget how bad the economy is now a days in the U.S.

Because I really cared about the past. The only thing I really had to look forward to was graduating. Except for one part...I didn't want to be Alpha. For a very specific reason too. A beautiful reason. I didn't believe in this mate shmate nonsense that goes on in packs. I had already met the love of my life. And she wasn't mine. 

I walked down the hallways and the people moved out of my way. The girls giggling as they backed themselves up against the lockers on both sides of the wall and the guys not even paying me the lightest bit attention. That's how I liked it.

It was the same thing everyday. Humans. They were so ignorant and stuck in their own little world. Their world of wealth and gossip. 

The warning bell for 4th hour went off and kids scattered around to get to class on time.

"You know its this whole skipping thing that your grades are so low." I turned my to see my best friend Caden walking towards me. I scoffed at him.

"Because you're the king of keeping them up by attending?" He gave a soft chuckle and shrugged.

"Our future is preordained Caden. What good will calculus do me?"

"Don't be such a Debbie Downer. I know its hard to lead people, but ill be right beside you doing the actual leading. Ace, man, we've got the job of freaking George Washington. We are destined to lead this world out of a war, sleep with girls, and eat a cherry tree."

I cursed lightly under my breath. "You stupid ass, he chopped a cherry tree."

"But his teeth were wood. How do you explain that?"

"You need to go clean out your ears." I told him while I wracked my fingers through my hair. "It's affecting your hearing." Caden chuckled.

"Do it for me?" I rolled and eyes and turned around to leave. He caught up to me and started rambling on about a topic worse than quantum physics: Mates. I guess a member of the pack had found his earlier today which an exchange student from Europe. All I could think was that she was never going home now. 

I believed in old fashioned dating.

"You don't even know what it feels like." I looked at him. He had stopped walking beside me but I had been too lost in thought to remember what he had said prior to his question.

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