Alpha Alburn

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I'm having a hard time figuring out how I'm going to put the ending in motion guys. I'm srry this chapter too a long time to put up but it doesn't help when I'm on the verge of insanity.

So I put on some Kerli and I feel motivated to write. Let's do this.

Dedicating this chapter to RinSatsu.  This isn't the story that you liked and it was like...a long time ago so you're probably wondering why I'm dedicating this chapter to you but I was touched by your strength (srry if that sounds cheesy) so I'm going to do this until I take Sweetest Sin off hold and finish it for you(:

Keep your chin up<3


I woke up the same way I've woken up for the past week. Alone. After Jeremy brought Ace to cheer me up he'd spent the night with me. Nothing had happened during those few hours we were together; we'd just kissed and talked and kissed even more.

The night was still fresh in my mind as I remembered the feeling of his lips against mine, the way I set up in flames at his touch and the warmth that radiated off of him as he held me close to his chest.

I'd fallen asleep in his arms and although when I'd awoken he was gone, I knew it was best that he'd left. It wouldn't do either of us any good to be caught together or for Ace to be caught at all.

But Ace had been right; I can help the packs out by working from the inside and with Jer on my side everything should run more smoothly. I was more thankful towards Jer than I could put into words. He'd always been there for me and I regretted the way I'd treated him before. He had been more than a thing to satisfy my sexual needs. He'd been one of my closet friends. Right behind Cris.

I hurried getting dressed then made my way downstairs. If I was going to be here I had to make sure that I acted like the bitch I was. I was meeting the prisoners today and even though it was going to be hard to convince Jericho I was 98% sure I could do it. The real hard part would be facing Ace's dad. Something I'd been dreading since Jericho told me he was going to take me.

Even though I didn't like it much, it was easy to be a bitch. You just find a little imperfection in something and emphasize on it in a loud voice. Loud voices always did the trick for me. So when a little maid came and dropped off my coffee....well, you can imagine.

"What the fuck am I looking at?" I pushed the cup away from me. The coffee was black. I didn't drink black coffee. "Do I drink black coffee?"

She immediately took the cup from in front of me.

"I am sorry! I will fix it immediately."

"See that you do," I stated, dismissing her with my hand. A chuckle erupted to my left.

"Something funny?" Jericho emerged from the hallway into the dining hall and took a seat across from me.

"You. I can see you didn't change." His eyes contradicted his words. He did see a change in me but I wasn't going to let that down my hopes.

"We can't all be douchebags Jericho. Especially douchebags who give hope to those of lesser blood."

His food was delivered on a silver plate by the same slave whom had brought me my coffee. I shot her a glance; she scrambled out of the room faster than you could say "timber".

He raised the cup to his lips as he took a long swig. "Just giving you a reason to come back, love."

"Clearly." The doubt in his eyes lessened though I wasn't off the hook just quite and I don't know if I ever would be with Jericho.

Keeping Secrets From My MateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang