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Have a nice day ♡´・ᴗ・'♡

This is kinda a venting chapter, I have tics so this'll be based on what I deal with. I don't have tourettes which is a severe ticking disorder.

So if you don't know what a tic is the medical definition is Movements of the limbs and other body parts are known as motor tics. Involuntary repetitive sounds, such as grunting, sniffing, or throat clearing, are called vocal tics.

A tic attack (I don't know the term for this is) is where you can't really stop ticing and they last for me at least half an hour. I also have no idea how the medication works because I don't have any so yeah...

Tommy's Pov

It had started with my head jerking to the side randomly and getting shivers, I passed it off as something everyone had but as time went on they began to happen more and more.

At the time I was 12 I went to see a doctor and was diagnosed with Adhd and Anxiety, so I suppose that wasn't something everyone had. I was given medication to help with them and was sent on my way so for a good 3 months the random movements stopped.

That was until I randomly started clicking my tongue, this was usually followed with the random head jerks. As the year progressed it began to get even worse; I would bang my wrists together, hit my head, snap my fingers and jerk my head back painfully.

At one point I jerked my head back into a wall and gave myself a concussion, when I was diagnosed with a concussion I was also told I was having what was called Tics.

The doctor explained to me that it was common in people who had adhd and anxiety to develop these Tics, my parents seemed to deny that this was happening though. I was told my parents I was just asking for attention and that I was completely fine.

Which confused me, they had been accepting of me having Adhd and Anxiety so why the sudden change of heart?

It hurt that they weren't willing to help but I knew that I was going to have to learn how to take care of myself at some point, I just didn't think I would have to do so at 13 years old.

So I learned how to calm myself down enough to suppress the Tics, it was hard but when I was 15 I started streaming and it was a great distraction from my life. It was an escape from reality if you will, I didn't need to put up a facade because they didn't happen on stream. Well not for while anyways.

I ended up having a tic attack while recording with Tubbo one day and was forced to tell him about it. Honestly it was good he knew, he was alway covering for me and even ended up convincing me to buy medication to help in case my tics got too out of hand.

Flashforward to present day I was 17 and at 7 million on youtube, yeah you could say I was suffering from success.

Phil, Wilbur and Techno were filming a video for my channel with me, we had installed a mid where every 2 minutes we would morph into a different mob. It didn't matter what dimension we were in, so it definitely was hard to try and beat minecraft when you somehow ended up as a fish in the nether.

We were only half an hour in and Wilbur had already created a cult worshipping a Phil apple (enchanted golden apple) we had found in a chest in a ruined portal. So things were going great.

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