The Dream Smp by me

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Techno "why do these traumatized children keep trying to live with me also I turned an end portal into a table" Blade

Philza "I've looked death in the eyes and decided to marry her. Also where the fucj do all these kids keep coming from" Minecraft

Tommy "my plot armor is thicker than Kim Kardashian's lips and I'm the traumatized child #1" Innit

Wilbur "I will try to flirt my way out of danger and inevitably die in the end" Soot

Ranboo "I also flirt my way out of danger but it works and I'm traumatized child #3" Beloved

Tubbo "my best friend is 90% of my impulse control and without him I went feral and got married. I'm traumatized child #2" Underscore

Dream " I manipulate minors as a hobby but then they actually found back and now I'm in timeout" WasTaken

Dream "a colorblind ex-king seduced me into making him a Mcdonalds" XD

George "I use my colorblindness as an excuse for everything but it's ok because I have a God wrapped around my finger" Notfound

Karl "I time travel to avoid present problems only to be manipulated by a place and fall in love with the reincarnations of my fiance" Jacobs

Sapnap "I don't know where my 2 fiances are half the time so I just plan how to kill Dream and commit arson to pass time" Halo

Quackity "Low life drug dealing nudist turned filthy capitalists who is now torturing a prisoner because he hurt my friend because he had information I want" HQ

Badboy "a red egg ate my husband so now I'm trying to get people to join my cult because I miss him" Halo

Captain "I'm literally the only sane adult here, wait nevermind I took the community house's 2nd canon life" Puffy

Awsam "I can create a state of the art prison that is inescapable and- wait is that a sad child? Lemme go create and animal crossing robot to make him happy" Dude

Foolish "my brother claims he's a god but I know for a fact that I am the only god in the family and yet I'm still learning how to say no to people when they ask me to build something for them" Gamers

Ponk "I only have one arm left"

Itz "I literally have no parental figures in my life and am in need of some serious therapy but instead will just be called a furry instead" Fundy

The "I'm trying so hard to redeem myself after hurting my friends but I can't get over how good I look in this crown" Eret

Jack "Once my employer who was a child was locked in prison with his abuser I took over the hotel but to be fair I crawled out of hell" Manifold

Niki "I was going to kill a child but then felt bad so now I'm gonna go bake muffins for my anarchy bros" Niachu

Ant "the egg reminded me of my boyfriend so now I'm under its influence but it's ok" Frost

Slime "I'm really good at making bad puns but everyone loves me for it" Cicle

Hannah "just you wait my lore is much more complicated than you think" Rose

Connor "The only lore I've done is accidental when I was held hostage by a pig and a traumatized child" Eatspants

Purpled "The only untraumatized child"

Punz "the original dirty capitalist"

What do you mean that's not their names? 

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