A Magical Appearance

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Yet another night had passed by the time we reached our final destination. The island was just the way I remembered it: natural and full of wildlife. We got off the boat and Lucinda used the platforms here too. Some of us swam, but others preferred the dryer method of getting to the beach. I stretched my muscles before Aphmau handed me Elenor and stretched her own. Elenor shifted in my arms, clearly not used to being handed from person to person.

"This island is beautiful!" Aphmau exclaimed looking around. "This is the right one, correct?"

"Mhm..." I nodded with a soft smile tugging at my lips.

"We should probably set up a camp soon. I know Y/N might know but the rest of us have no clue what kind of creatures are on this island." Katelyn pointed out.

"I agr-"

Lucinda cut off Garroth. "There it is again. That feeling from before. Y/N can you feel it too."

I nodded hastily. "It much stronger." I handed Elenor to Aphmau and quickly drew my sword.

Just then an apparition of the Demon Warlock appeared in front of me. "Ah... it's been so long since I've been here. It hasn't changed a bit." Aphmau quickly stepped behind me; Garroth, Laurence, and Travis got prepared for a fight transforming; Lucinda raised her staff. Katelyn and Aaron, however, seemed confused.

I rolled my eyes at his comment. "I thought I killed you!" Aphmau yelled surprised.

"Killed who?" Katelyn asked.

"I don't see anyone." Aaron shrugged.

Sighing, I took a deep breath to explain. "This would be a specter form of the Demon Warlock. You destroyed his physical form, Aph, but you didn't kill him permanently. But since he's technically a spirit, only those with magical abilities can see him."

"The little shadow demon does know her stuff." He growled out.

I raised my sword. "Oh shut your mouth. I'm pretty sure I told you to never call me that ever."

"Shadow demon?" Laurence asked.

"You have quite the crew here, little saint. That demon, a warrior, a shadow knight, a witch, and a few humans..." He laughed. "That wouldn't do anything against me."

"I can-"

"You wouldn't want to interfere without the little saint getting hurt, would you?" The Demon Warlock silenced me.

"Your threats don't work on anyone!" Travis yelled.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that..." The Demon Warlock looked around at everyone before settling his eyes on me once more. "I mean look at the shadow demon here. She was forced into silence, her stance dropping, at the threat of the little saint getting hurt." They all looked at me. I tried my best to look normal but yet again I remained silent.

"Why are you here?" Travis asked, hostility lacing his tone.

The Demon Warlock chuckled darkly. "I came as soon as I felt the time warp on this island break. After all, the saint, the shadow, and I all have history here. Don't we girls?"

I bowed my head. "What?" Aphmau asked.

After not transforming for what felt like eons, my back burned once more and those pretty shadow wings sprouted from my back. Wearing my golden armor, golden scythe in hand, I snarled.

(Just in case you forgot! :D)

(Just in case you forgot! :D)

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"Intimidating." The Demon Warlock mocked me. He leaned back against an invisible wall.

I rolled my eyes and wrapped one of my wings around Aphmau, pulling her close, and keeping her and Elenor protected. "You aren't that intimidating yourself. Besides the fact that you know I'm much stronger than you. So bring it."

"I just realized the saint is holding a baby. And there's no way you... You must have found her." I growled and squinted angrily at him. "I'll warn you now, keep her close. For now, I'll see you later little shadow. And I'll see you too, son." He cackled and disappeared.

After he left, I dropped my scythe and my armor changed into something more comfortable; a(n) F/C mid-length-sleeve shirt with black jeans. My wings folded back against my back but didn't disappear. "Is everyone ok?" Aphmau asked. I gently grabbed Elenor from her arms and held her against my chest.

"What the hell did he mean by son?!" Laurence exclaimed and turned towards Travis.

Lucinda lowers her staff and walks up to my side. "Yeah, we're fine Aph."

"Laurence," I hand Elenor off to Lucinda before stepping up to his side. "Calm down."

Laurence rolled his eyes and scoffed. "You're one to talk. You also have something to explain."

"I have nothing to explain," I growled out. "Even if I did, it's not like I would tell you."

Laurence turned to me, pure anger filling his blood-red eyes. He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and lifted me just slightly. I held my cool trying not to piss off the already angry Shadow Knight. "Laurence!" Aphmau yelled.

"Stand back Aphmau. I have it under control." I simply raised one of my hands at her.

"Laurence! Calm down!" Aaron shouted at him. I was surprised to hear his voice raise.

Laurence tightened his grip ever so slightly. "MAKE ME!"

I sighed and took a deep breath in. "Laurence, I respectfully need you to put me down." I grabbed his wrist and I saw the reflection of my eyes flashing F/C in his sword.

He set me down but the tension remained. "Fine. If you're not going to explain, then Travis needs to. Why the hell did he call you son?"

Travis tensed and transformed back into a human. "The Demon Warlock is my father. However, he is a being I wish to have no contact with. Ever."

"How are we supposed to trust you with this knowledge?" Katelyn inquired.

"I mean, he was the literal first person to take a stance when the Demon Warlock appeared." I pointed out. She shifted, obviously on the fence about my response.

I watched as Laurence walked a few paces away, sitting on the edge of the beach looking out towards the water. Lucinda handed me Elenor and began discussing a plan of action with Aphmau, Travis, Garroth, Katelyn, and Aaron. I rocked her gently before walking over to sit next to Laurence. "Neither of you should be over here," Laurence spoke, surprisingly calm.

"Mhm..." I hummed in agreement.

He looked at me confused. "So then, why are you over here?"

A smile tugged at my lips. He looked ridiculous when confused. "You seem to have a problem with keeping this Shadow Knight problem under control." I poked his side.

Laurence shifted back after one last deep breath. "You really need to be careful with what you say when I'm mad."

"No, I did that on purpose." I watched as Lucinda hopped back over to the boat. The others didn't bother us though. Elenor wiggled free of her bundle of blankets before falling still once more.

"Why? Why provoke me like that?"

"Well, you calmed down much faster than usual... Didn't you?" I raised an eyebrow and looked at him.

He nodded slowly. We both looked back at the waters, a peaceful silence falling between us. Laurence broke the silence not long after. "What did he mean when he was talking about Elenor?"

My breathing hitched and Laurence looked at me. "If I tell you, you can't possibly tell anyone else. Only Lucinda and Hailey know and I'd like to keep it that way."

"Something you haven't told Aphmau? That's a first." Laurence smiled cheekily.

"HEY!" I punched his arm playfully.

"Owww..." He whined jokingly, to which I laughed at. "But seriously, I won't tell anyone... depending on what it is."

"I won't tell you unless you can promise with one hundred percent certainty that you won't tell anyone. No exceptions."

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