Finding the Unfound

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Aphmau's POV

"W-Wait what d-do you mean sh-she's not in the v-village?"

"We mean she is nowhere to be found," Katelyn said.

"What h-happened when she d-disappeared?" I asked. I'm trying to figure out where she might be or if there is a way to contact her.

"Well, this man with brown hair, green eyes, and a green scarf jumped down from above us in the tree. He talked to Shade as if he knew her, and then she said sorry and teleported the two of them away." Laurence explained for me.

So it appears she left with Vylad. At least she wasn't kidnapped. "Well, that's alright. I know who she's with and she's in safe hands." The tiredness and worry wore off from my voice.

"You know the man she left with?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah. She'll be fine."

Meanwhile (Your POV)

"So how have you been, Y/N?" Vylad asked as he prepared the fire.

It caught me off guard so my face flushed red in embarrassment. "Y-You remember my real name?"

"Yep! Why would I forget it? I'm one of your only friends."

"Pah!" I waved my hand dismissively. "That doesn't matter. Besides, you brought me here to-" I stopped. I could feel that Ir-... Aphmau... woke up. I felt this strong urge to go back. Like she wanted me there. She probably needs to discuss something with me. "Ok. Don't be scared of what I'm about to do. And try not to kill it."

"Kill what?" Vylad looked over.

I snapped my fingers and a shadow appeared by my side. "TB GB ZL YNQL, NFX URE JUNG'F GUR ZNGGRE, NAQ ERGHEA GB ZR JVGU URE NAFJRE." (Go to my lady, ask her what's the matter, and return to me with her answer.) The shadow zipped off to follow it's instructions.

"What was that?" Vylad asked, returning to tending to the fire.

"A shadow." It returned almost the exact second I had said shadow.

"FUR FNLF FUR ARRQF GB GNYX JVGU LBH, LBHE ZNWRFGL." (She says she needs to talk with you, your majesty.)

"NYEVTUG, ERGHEA GB GUR FUNQBJ CYNAR NG BAPR." (Alright, return to the shadow plane at once.) The shadow bowed then left in a cloud of black mist. I turned to Vylad. "I need to return. She um..."

"I understand," Vylad said. "I'll be here if you need to find me." I nodded and teleported to her side. Everyone jumped as I kneeled by her side to see if she was alright.

"Oh! Shade! Back so soon?" Aphmau asked turning to me.

"You wanted me here correct? Then what did you want?" She looked surprised at the fact that I knew she wanted me here.

Aphmau was so surprised, in fact, that she stumbled on her words. "Um... I-It was a-about something I saw in the memory." She turned away from embarrassment.

"Private or..?" I stopped.

"No, no. It's quite alright for them to hear what I wish to ask. Who was that other woman? Hyria? Was her name?" Aphmau turned to me expecting an answer immediately.

However, there were new matters to tend to. "Lucinda dear," I stopped and stood up. "Your aura flared suddenly." Turning to face her, I asked, "Is it alright if I ask why?"

Lucinda seemed surprised at my acknowledgment of her aura changing. "Well, you know my relations with her. I assume you were that lady she talked so highly of."

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