Prision life

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Y/n P.O.V~

I woke up as the sun shined through my cell window. I opened my eyes and yawned, covering my mouth as I did so. I turned around in my bed, and my eyes widened at what I saw. There was a girl in my bed with dark hair and crimson eyes starring at me. I screamed as the girl also screamed out in terror. The girl and I both got out of the bed, and we were both nude and not wearing anything. The girl grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around herself, covering her private parts while I quickly put on my orange jumpsuit as the girl screamed out.

???:" What are you doing in my cell!"

Y/n:" Your cell, this is my cell!"

???:" This this me and my cellmate's place! Why are you in here?"

Y/n:" Wait are you Yumeko Jabami?"

Yumeko:" Yeah, why do you ask."

I sighed as I quickly realized who I yelled at.

Y/n:" I'm Y/n L/n, your new cellmate."

Yumeko:" Oh. Turn around so I can change."

I did as Yumkeo asked and heard a zipper's sound as Yumeko spoke.

Yumeko:" You can turn around... peverert."

I looked to see Yumkeo in her orange jumpsuit, leaving the zipper slightly down to show off her breasts. I blushed as Yumeko and I went down to the cafeteria, and we sat at separate tables as I looked down at my hands as I thought about what happened this morning. I had felt bad, and I should apologize. Yuno sat next to me as she began to eat her breakfast.

Y/n:" Hey Yuno, how do I apologize to a girl I just met?"

Yuno:" Well, I guess it depends on the situation, but I recommend you do your best and 

apologize for what you did."

Y/n:" Thanks for the advice Yuno."

Yuno smiled he pink eyes twinkling as she did so. Soon Yuno and I headed to class as we sat down at our desks and watched Ms.Misato do her presentation. I slowly began to drift away from the lesson as I began to think about Erza. She was doing so much for me and was probably the best girlfriend I could ever ask for; I blushed as I thought about my girlfriend; I then dozed off, thinking random thoughts and not caring in the world. Suddenly Misato slammed her hand on my desk, screaming out my name.

Misato:" Y/n!!!"

I looked up to see my teacher as she spoke to me with a questioning tone in her voice.

Misato:" So care to tell the class what you were thinking about?"

Misato lewdly smiled at me as she spoke.

Misato:" You were thinking about something lewd, weren't you?~"

I thought back to what I was thinking about and spoke.

I thought back to what I was thinking about and spoke

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