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Y/n P.O.V~

I woke up in my cell and yawned as I stretched and got out of my bed. I saw that Yumeko was still sleeping. I looked at the clock in the hallway outside my cell; that roll call was a couple of minutes away. I walked over to the sleeping Yumeko and rubbed her hair, waking her up.

Y/n:" Yumeko, come on time to get up."

Yumeko's eyes twitched a couple of times before she opened them and sat up in her bed. Yumeko yawned before speaking.

Yumeko:" Hey Y/n time to get up?"

Y/n:" Afraid so."

Esdeath then shouted for all prisoners to wake up as the cell doors opened, and every prisoner in the cellblock, including Yumeko and I, left our cells and went to the cafeteria for breakfast. I got some waffles and a carton of milk. Yumeko and I sat at the table and began to eat out breakfast as we spoke to each other.

Yumeko:" So, do you have any plans for today?"

Y/n:" I'm going to see if I can get into that lightsaber combat class."

Yumeko took a bite out of her french toast as she spoke.

Yumeko:" Why are you trying to get into that?"

I sighed while rubbing that back of my heading, thinking about the whole Hisoka incident in the shower room.

Y/n:" Well, after what happened last week and with my fight with Revy the other day. I realized 

that I need to toughen up if I am going to survive here. Well, at least intel I can get out."

Yumeko:" Y/n, you're in here for murder. I don't think that they are just going to let you out."

I sighed before speaking to my friend, slightly perturbed by her words.

Y/n:" I keep telling you, Yumeko, I'm innocent."

Yumeko chuckled before speaking.

Yumeko:" We're all innocent in here Y/n."

I growled and angrily stomped out of the cafeteria, pissed off by my friend's words.

Third-person P.O.V~

Yumeko looked at Y/n, stomping off, realizing that she had pissed him off. Yumeko sighed, telling herself to remember to apologize to Y/n the next time they see each other.

*Scene change*

Erza sat in her apartment with Ichigo and Sasha both at the coffee table. Erza sighed, taking off her glasses as she rubbed the bridge of her nose.

Ichigo:" You okay, Erza?"

Erza looked to see her friends gazing at her with concern in her eyes. Erza had not slept very well recently and had been staying up late, doing her best to find a way to get her boyfriend out of prison.

Erza:" Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just tired, is all."

Sasha stood up from her seat and spoke.

Sasha:" I'll get you some coffee."

Erza smiled and spoke.

Erza:" Thanks, Sasha."

Sasha smiled before going into the kitchen and began to make her and her friends a cup of coffee. Ichigo and Erza contued to look at the veroius papers scartered all over Erza's desk. After a few minutes of looking over the papers on Erza's desk, as came back and placed the hot beverages in front of the teens. Erza and Ichigo thanked Sasha before going back to their work. After about thirty more minutes of searching for any evidence that could help Y/n get out, Erza sighed and slumped in her chair.

Sasha:" You feeling okay? Are you sure you're not sick?"

Erza:" No, no, I'm okay; it just feels like all of my hard work with Y/n is for nothing because he's in prison."

Sasha was slightly ticked off as she spoke.

Sasha:" Your hard work, Y/n had to work up the courage to ask you out, and he had to learn how to date and what girls like! Y/n put in the hard work, not you!"

Erza:" What are you get so angry about, and why do you even care?!"

Ichigo put his hands in the air as he spoke.

Ichigo:" Okay girls, how about we all take a deep breath and-"

He was interrupted by Sasha yelling at the red-haired woman.

Sasha:" Because I helped him out with all of that! I helped him thinking that he would confess to me! I didn't say anything because I want him to be happy! Every time I saw the two of you together, I had my heart ripped to shreds. I would have my heart torn apart over and over again, having to piece it back together again!"

Erza's eyes widened as tears leaked from Sasha's eyes.

Sasha:" Do you know what it's like having the man you love to be with another girl and having to hold in all these feelings."

Erza hugged Sasha as she spoke to her.

Erza:" Sasha, let's go outside and talk."

Sasha and exited the red-haired woman's apartment as Itchigo stared at the two women with a bamboozled look.

Ichigo:" What just happened?"















Y/n P.O.V~

I walked through the prison's lunchroom, my food tray in my hands; as I thought about what happened with Yumeko earlier, I feel that I should apologize; she was just honest. I then bumped into someone sending my food splattering all over them.

Y/n:" S-sorry."

I was then grabbed by my orange jumpsuit and lifted into the air as the man I had spilled my food over gazed at me, fury in his golden eyes. He had blond hair and what looked to be fangs. He spoke with malice in his voice.

???:" Friday in the courtyard two weeks."

I was then dropped back onto the ground as he walked away while speaking.

???:" I will destroy you!!"

I got up off the ground as wondered what the hell I just got myself into this time.

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