11. Oceans Eight -- Or Nine

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Action, we learned that war moves are brutal. At first our contestants were flying high, but mention went deep when the Grips couldn't capture the foot locker to complete the challenge.

Chris: And it was even despite the leadership of Admiral Lindsay her hotness. And even though the Gaphers won the battle, you have to wonder if they lost the war. Because their biggest conflict is still with each other.

Chris: And even though Owen's jaw was wired shut, his heart was still open to a plus sized voting tragedy.  Was it time for Izzy to go, again? Uh, yeah! That girl is a complete whack job!

Chris: You keep coming back for the explosive drama, and I keep coming back for the perks. Car chase this week, age with only eight contestants left, the race is on and the stereo is set to the catchy opening song. It's time for some more Total! Drama! ACTION!

A/n: Just ignore Justin since he isn't in the story. Cool? Cool.

Your P.O.V.

After what had happened, Gwen and I still didn't trust Leshawna. We were still upset she lied to us in order to get the spa vacation in the medical challenge. Harold was still on the fence about it since he loved Leshawna.

We were all in the craft service tent having some breakfast. No one really said anything, and I wanted to say something to break the silence, but nothing came to mind.

Leshawna: Come on guys, I know you don't trust me, but we need to work as a team here. Otherwise, The Grips are gonna pick us off one by one.


Harold: Ever since Leshawna sold us all up the river for a day at the spa, I've come to finally see she's only looking out for herself. Of course, if I looked like that, I'd probably look at myself all day long too. But she's a bad, selfish, person, so bad.


Y/n: As true as that is, we still don't trust you Leshawna.

Gwen: Yeah, you lied to us so you could get a spa day. And we all should of talked about it like a team.

Leshawna: You know what, I'm going back to the trailer.

With that, Leshawna got up and left to return to the trailer. I could tell that Harold was still on the fence about the whole situation. Then we heard Beth say she was happy to have made it this far in the game.

And Owen was glad to finally have his jaw unwired. Then he started to eat like crazy, and it just made the rest of us a little uncomfortable. That's when he said he smelt something good from the kitchen and, surprisingly, did a back flip into the kitchen.

After a few minutes, we finished up our so called breakfast and we were about to leave. But before we did, Chris had cut a hole in the top of the tent and climbed down on a rope.

Beth: What an entrance.

Chris: Consider it a hint into this week's movie genre.

Y/n: Is it a lame host rock climbing movie challenge?

Duncan: Ha! Boom!

Chris: No, we're paying tribute to the classic bank heist gangster movies.

Duncan: Chris, you do realize that our team is missing a large tub of joy.

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