8. The Sand Witch Project

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Action, a girl with vision, a vision that took her past everyday thinking. But when the chips were down and came back up again, she was the only one who could rescue them. And she searched for a cure to the disease that had afflicted her dearest friends.

Chris: A challenge was won and a cure found, but will her betrayal hurt those she saved? Well see after thus totally terrifying episode. So hold onto your buckets, because it's time for Total! Drama! Action!

A/n: Just ignore Justin since he isn't in the story. Cool? Cool.

Your P.O.V.

After the whole "disease scare" that had happened a few days ago, we were all trying to relax. DJ was sleeping and Duncan was kicking around an old soccer ball. Meanwhile I was hanging with Gwen, and Owen, Izzy, Harold and Leshawna were all playing a quick game of cards.

Gwen: Honestly, I can't believe Chris tricked us like that.

Y/n: Well, it's Chris. What else would you expect from someone like him?

Gwen: True.

Owen: So Izzy, you got a BLT?

This just caused Izzy to look at Owen slightly confused. So after a moment of silence, he tried to change the subject.

Owen: Or I'll also take.... a five?


Harold: Izzy thinks she's so cool, but did she spent three while summer at Magic Steve's Magic Camp? Allow me to show you my mad magic skills by producing the ace of spades.

Sadly, Harold didn't draw a card, but a picture of him naked. As soon as he had realized, he hid it instantly.


While the others were playing cards, we were all snacking on some sandwiches Leshawna took. It was a good thing we've been getting some real good lately. But it did make me question why chef made good food.

Lindsay: I can't believe that you stole these from lunch.

Then Beth came in doing a trick she had called the "egg salad sand which." Then she did a few more flips and then tossed a few sand whiches in the air. She was about to catch them before Owen grabbed them and ate them.

Beth: Owen! Stop stealing my sammies!

Owen: *mouth full* What? I don't know what you're talking about.

Leshawna: You disgust me Owen.

Duncan: Yeah, leave some for us man.

Beth: You're all stealing them?

Gwen: Hey, Chefs food has gotten so good lately.

Y/n: Yeah, but it's weird why he is suddenly giving us real food though.

Before Gwen could even ask me what I meant, DJ started to snore even louder. And I still didn't understand why he had snuck out of the kitchen in the last challenge.

Beth: Man, this is so fun, isn't it besty?

Lindsay: I know, wouldn't it be good if we had no challenge today? I mean, we could all just hang out.

Y/n: And Chris announces the next challenge in 3, 2......

Then, as if on que, Chris had activated the intercoms. Sometimes I hate it when I end up being right.

Total Drama Action Male Reader x GwenWhere stories live. Discover now