15: Super Hero--ld

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Acton, it was every dude and dudette for themselves as the teams were busted up. But that didn't stop Y/n, Gwen, and Harold from forming an alliance. Courtney amazed everyone with her fancy footwork during the first spy challenge, especially Duncan. And the cast was able to escape a fact exploding building, but weren't able to defuse some serious stink bombs.

Chris: And of course, it forced them to de-stink in a major tomato juice bath. In the end, Courtney and Lindsay got the special reward: a trip to the local stinky cheese factory. Will the alliance between Y/n, Gwen, and Harold hold? And will Duncan win Courtney back? All this on today's episode of Total! Drama! Action!

A/n: Just make sure to ignore Justin since he isn't in the story. Cool? Cool.

Your P.O.V.

Today was a nice day, considering that Chris didn't call us for a challenge. But I have to say that Duncan still picking on Harold was getting old. I mean, I could kinda understand why Duncan was doing it. I mean, if Harold got Gwen voted off on purpose then I'd be upset at him too. But I would've stopped by now if I was in Duncan's position.

And of course, Duncan shoved an old burrito down Harold's pants a few minutes ago. So Harold was obviously complaining about it being a waste of 'good food.' Duncan just made an excuse about making sure Harold had food for later. Then he shoved Harold to the ground before heading to the trailer as I helped Harold up.

Y/n: Don't listen to him Harold, he'll get what's coming to him.

Harold: I know, I just hope he doesn't win the next challenge.

Y/n: Me too, because if he doesn't try to get the others to vote us off, Courtney will. I mean, Courtney is just as big a threat as Duncan, if not more.

Harold: Yeah, but Courtney is an unpredictable beast.

Y/n: True, which is why I think we should convince Lindsay and Beth to help vote her off next.

Harold: Well, getting Lindsay and Beth to vote her off would give us an advantage.

Y/n: And without Courtney, Duncan will definitely lose it. So it's a good way to mess with him before we boot him off afterwards.

Harold: Alright, let's do it.

So with that, we made our way to the trailer to get some sleep. The next day we woke up to someone screaming. And to everyone's confusion, it was Chef in a pink dress and all tied up. Then Chris came in tied to a bunge and wearing a cape. He then 'rescued' Chef before the bunge snapped and they both crashed onto the ground.

Of course, Courtney demanded some sort of explanation as to why she was woken up. After fixing his hair, Chris explained today's challenge was based off the superhero movies. Then we all started complaining about how it was to early for this. But Chris being Chris didn't care and explained the challenge anyways. Chris stated heros had three things in common: powers, saving people, and wearing costumes.

So after we all got dressed, Chris explained the first part of the challenge. We all had to create our own super hero identity. Of course, Chris was going to have Chef play a fake villain called Pythonicas to try to sabatoge our progress. And once we were all done, Chris was going to judge us on our hero name, powers, and costumes. All so the winner could get an advantage in the second part.


Gwen: A super hero challenge? Looks like I have to get creative about how I do this.

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