13. Million Dollar Babies

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Action, our caveman movie challenge made some people look bad, but others looked better. And Y/n got hit where the sun doesn't shine, comedy gold there. And now he's placed Courtney as his number one target.

Chris: And as their reward, The Grips got a giant rib. But due to an on sight accident, its been preserved for future paleontologists instead. Will Y/n get back at Courtney? Will Courtney be able to survive her teammates? And what will become of her and Duncan? Find on right now, right now on Total! Drama! Action!

A/n: Just ignore Justin since he isn't in the story. Cool? Cool.

Your P.O.V.

After losing the last challenge, we were all disappointed. And Courtney just had to go straight for my kiwis. I know she's going to get what's coming, its just a matter of waiting. I was in the guys trailer sleeping before a horn went off and Harold started screaming.

Harold: I can't take the shelling anymore sergeant! I just can't!

Duncan: Harold, if you've added a trumpet to your snoring, then it's seriously time for you to die.

Y/n: I'm pretty sure that horn was just Chris making us miserable again.

Then we heard Courtney screaming something about her PDA. We all then looked outside to see her and Beth in there pajamas. Apparently, Beth had a condition that made her twirl random things in her sleep. And Courtney had started threatening her about being sued if she touched it again.

I was honestly confused as to how Beth could "sleep twirl." But then my thoughts were interrupted by a loud buggle horn. Then we all saw Chris in a marching band uniform while he was playing a trombone. And he even had a huge drum on his back too for some weird reason.

Chris: Morning sports fans! So who's ready to put up a good offense?

That's when Chef came out with a dozen spaghetti balls. And he threw one to each of us and Harold got hit in the face be a couple. And I had caught one just before it could hit Gwen. And Chris was going on about how that was going to be our breakfast.

And it was obvious that the challenge today was the sports genre. And Chris was talking about us giving the whole challenge two hundred percent. And as Harold started to correct him, Chef had thrown another spaghetti ball at him as Duncan laughed.

Chris: Alright, eat up, and I hope you're all ready for the training run.

Gwen: He can't be serious.

Y/n: About the "training run" or about the "spaghetti breakfast"?

Gwen: A bit of both.

Y/n: Well, knowing Chris, he is.

So we all ate our "breakfast", which was real spaghetti. At least we were able to eat some real food for once. After that, we all got changed and got over to the sports movie set. And as we all knew, Chris was serious about the whole training run thing.

After a three mile jog, Chris went on about the challenge. It turned out for the first part, both teams had to push Chef across the field. But it was going to be hard since Chef, apparently, had a huge breakfast. And I honestly didn't see the point in doing it.

Duncan: So we all have to push Chef like he's a football dummy?

Chef: Don't call me a dummy!

Leshawna then went one to say that we all had to do it if we were going to win. And we all agreed were her, which was a surprise to her. So after the Grips had a shot, we all tried to push Chef. But we weren't really doing any better at it too.

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