14. Dial M For Merger

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Action, it was a festival of guts, determination, and sweat. And it was as yours truly put the contestants through their sports movie paces. Only Leshawna was a little distracted when her rant about the gang showed up on Courtney's PDA.

Chris: So because of that, in the end it was Leshawna who ended up taking the walk of shame. And today, we're going to make the best spy movie ever! Plus we might have a few sneaky surprise along the way right here on Total! Drama! Action!

Just ignore Justin since he isn't in the story, cool? Cool.

Gwen's P.O.V.

I honestly didn't know what to think about what happened with the last challenge. I mean, I thought that I was Leshawna's friend. And she had the guts to talk about me and the others like that behind our backs.

Everyone was outside of the trailers, just doing whatever. Courtney was on her PDA, probably talking to her lawyers, while Duncan was carving a skull on a bench. And Lindsay and Beth were being Lindsay and Beth, just going on about make up.

But the one that was bugging me the most was Harold. He was having a big crying fest because Leshawna had been eliminated. And if he kept it up, I was going to hurt him badly. But as for me and Y/n, we were talking about how we could win the next challenge.

Y/n: So what do you think Chris will have us do this week?

Gwen: Not sure, between his sick sense of humor and his big ego it's hard to tell what he's planning.

Y/n: Yeah, I just hope the merge happens soon. Because we can't lose any more challenges to The Grips.

Then we heard someone banging on a trailer door. We looked over to see that Lindsay was struggling to get the door to the girls trailer open. I honestly still didn't know if Lindsay was really that dumb or if it was locked.

Lindsay: Door, it's me, Lindsay, from this morning.


Gwen: Okay, I'm still mad at Leshawna, but she's still right about Lindsay. And I just want her gone almost as bad as I want Courtney gone.


Y/n: Okay, I'm usually not one to talk about about people, but how dumb can Lindsay be? I mean, can she seriously not know how to open a door?


Harold: *crying* Why?! Why did it have to be Leshawna?! *cries more*


Courtney: Door, meet doorknob!

Lindsay: Oh, right.

So Lindsay tried to use the doorknob, but it wouldn't budge. Then some small camera came out of nowhere and then scanned Lindsay's face. And it suddenly set off some alarm before the steps had folded down. Then a trap door had opened as Lindsay to fall into it.

Duncan went to see what the heck was going on. But once he was by the hole, a tranquilizer dart came out of nowhere and hit Duncan. Then he ended up falling into the hole too, which caused Courtney to rush over.

Courtney: Duncy!

Harold: Duncy?

We were all starting to panic a little at what was happening. And as soon as Courtney was by the hole, a hat came flying out of nowhere. It hit Courtney in the back of the head, which caused her to fall in too.

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