Ch 4: Beach Blanket Bogus

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Chris' P.O.V.

Chris: Last time on Total Drama Action, a shocking team distribution pitted two best friends against each other. So now they have to face one another in a real dramatic situation about friends who turned to rivals

Chris: Meanwhile, two men made an illegal alliance. And Y/n's bad acting skills beat Izzy's, well, madness. And it was all to much for Chefs tender heart. And Izzy... er, Colidescope was clearly a bit to nutso, even for this show.

Chris: Will Y/n and Gwen's relationship last another season? Will the new locks keep Owen out of the crafts service truck? And will my sweet vanilla latte ever get here? Find out on this year jerking episode of Total! Drama! Action!

A/n: Just ignore Justin since he isn't in this story. Cool? Cool.

Your P.O.V.

After our victory in the first challenge, we were in a good mood. But when we had gotten to the crafts service tent for breakfast, it was ruined. Chef was just serving up some sort of brown slop for us to eat. And we were all disgusted by the stuff Chef called "food."

Heather: Now I know how Starlettes stay so thin.

Harold: I wish that Chef would let me in the kitchen, I got me some mad coronary skills.

Heather: Do you mind? I was talking to the slop.

One by one we all got our "breakfast" and tried to eat. I was putting salt on my eggs when, out of nowhere, the lid had come off and a mountain of salt covered my eggs. Then I heard Duncan laughing about it and it started to annoy me a little.

Duncan:*laughs* Sorry about the morning as-salt man.

Then he started to laugh again until Gwen had slapped the back of his head. Then both me and Gwen shared a laugh at Duncan's shocked look.

Gwen: Third grade called, and you're dye back in class.

Y/n: Real mature Duncan, don't you know that it's bad luck to spill salt?

Trent: Its true man.

Then I tried to get some salt of the eggs but I hit Heather in the eyes by mistake and caused her to scream. Then I saw Trent try to put pepper on his eggs, but the lid on that came off. When he tried to get rid of some, he hit Heather too, and she started to sneeze before she ran off. We all started to laugh at her humiliation before Chris got out attention by blowing a whistle.

Chris: Hold on to your coconuts players, because we're going back to the beach.

Owen: Woohoo!

Chris: You ever see one of those 1950's surfer movies were the teens get up to neato fun before the big bonfire twistothon, and the bully kicks the sandcastle in the nerds face?

But we all had no idea what the heck he was even talking about. But it looked like Harold was the only one who had understood what he said.

Duncan: No grampa, we haven't.

Chris: Well get ready to recreate one junior, two challenges followed by a tie breaker if necessary. So go and grab your swimsuits.

So we all went to the trailers to get changed into our swimsuits. But when we got to where the first challenge was, we all were in some freezing cold set.

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