9. Masters of Disasters

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Action, the world's toughest chef used spoons to bring out DJ's killer instincts.

Chef: *recording* This is not about right or wrong son. It's about you and me splitting that cool million.

Chris: And it was no thanks to DJ that Gwen and Y/n had the bejebidies scared out of them. Victory seemed within reach as DJ won the scream off, Lindsay surprised everyone when she took charge and earned the respect of her fello teammates.


Chris: And just as the Killer Grips were going to cut someone lose, DJ' contionce, a.k.a momma DJ, had gotten the best of him. DJ called himself out for being a cheater, hopped off into the lame-o-sine, and then he rode off into the sunset.

Chris: How will the contestants survive without DJ's cooking? Will Y/n and Gwen's relationship last much longer? Find out right here on an all new episode of Total! Drama! Action!

A/n: Just ignore Justin since he isn't in the story. Cool? Cool.

Your P.O.V.

It's been a couple of days since DJ had left the show. We were still all very surprised that he was cheating, and he was the last person that I thought would do it. I mean, I would of expected Heather or even Duncan to cheat in the game, but not DJ.

We were all in the craft service tent all trying to eat breakfast. Now that DJ was gone, we were stuck with the slop that Chef served us. And after Harold took a bite, he immediately spat it out.

Harold: I really miss DJ's cooking. It was as awesome as this is gross.

Beth: I wish my boyfriend was here, he is such a great cook.

Gwen: Wait, you have a boyfriend?

Beth: Yeah, I have a boyfriend. And I love my boyfriend. What? Didn't I mention my boyfriend before?

Leshawna: You sure do like that word "boyfriend," when did you two meet?

Beth: We met between tv seasons.

Lindsay: Wasn't that, like, two days?

Beth: Yeah, we met at the dentist, and he was getting his braces off at the same time as me. At first I wasn't in to him, but as soon as the braces came off, look out.

I was having a little trouble believing Beth had a boyfriend. I wasn't saying that she was lying, but without any actual proof, I wasn't going to believe it. Then she went on about what he looked like, but Duncan caught that all of what Beth said was written on the back.

I honestly was a little confused if Beth had made it all up or not. I mean, she did deserve to find the right guy, but she didn't have to make him up. So the others tried to get her to tell the truth, and before she answered, Harold spoke up about the straws for some reason.

Harold: Bendy straws, these are just like the ones they had at the hospital where I had my kidney switched.

Owen: Huh?

Harold: I was born with a rare kidney condition, my left on was where my right one should be.

Leshawna: Wait, you had a surgical kidney swap?

Harold: Yep, I'm a rare case.

That just made us all uncomfortable and I was hoping the conversation would change. Then we all noticed that Owen had eaten most of the Grips food and thought it was good. We all thought it was gross, it was just a good thing that we didn't have any.

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