Ch 2: Alien Resurr-egg-tion

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Chris' P.O.V.

Chris: Last time on Total Drama Action, fourteen teenagers, one real handsome host, a dilapidated film lot, and a while lot of coin. Caching, oh and did I mention an anamatronic monster? *laughs* I love this show.

Chris: Some faired better than others. Owen ran for his life, but didn't make it very far. Until he ate fake food props and scored the reward: first pick of the cast trailers. Shockingly, he picked the wrong one and the girls hopes of victory were crushed, along with their new digs.

Chris: Who will be one step closer to the million bucks? Find out on another thrilling episode of Total! Drama! Action!

Your P.O.V.

After what had happened with the giant robot monster, i knew we were hoping for a simple challenge. We were all in the craft service tent getting ready for Chef's cruddy breakfast eggs. But Geoff and Bridgette just kept on making out and it was getting kind of annoying.

Duncan: Keep the line moving.

Instead of getting some breakfast, they both just moved over to a nearby table. And they had both somehow manage to do so while still making out. So we all just tried to ignore it as best as we could and get our breakfast from Chef.

Duncan: Forgot how hungry I was last time on Chef's wrecked schedule.

Y/n: Yeah

Gwen: I know, it got to the point where I'd kill for Chef's disgusting food, no offense Chef.

Chef: None taken.

Then I saw that Chef just dump Gwen's eggs onto the floor. So she walked over to us tp avoid Chef's wrath.

Duncan: You can have my toast if you want it, big mouth.

Gwen: Judging by that gut, I thought you'd be all over the extra carbs.

Y/n: (laughs) Burn.

Duncan: (chuckles) Yeah right.

Y/n: You can have my toast it you want.

Gwen: Thanks, but I can't take enemy toast.

Y/n: Enemies? We're not enemies.

Duncan: In this game we're all enemies.

Y/n: Except for me and Gwen, I'll always have her back no matter what happens.

Gwen: Right back at you babe.

Duncan: Well I'll remind you two of that when all of the money is being divided up.

Then we all sat down and we all started to enjoy some actual food. And I noticed that Izzy was putting ketchup on her pancakes and I was really weirded out. But what happened next had surprised us all.

Owen: No eggs and bacon for me Chef. I'll just have this *holds back barf* nice bowl of prunes.

It had taken us all by surprise since Owen was the King of eating. We were all shocked that he would turn down an opportunity to eat something.

Owen: What?


Owen: My..... uh..... plumbing has been clogged ever since I ate all those fake food props. And all the pressure building up is killing me. *tries to fart* C'mon colin, don't fail me now *light farts* oh I hear bells.

Total Drama Action Male Reader x GwenWhere stories live. Discover now