Part 2: Chapter 59

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The air left Kedo's chest in a giant whoosh as he fell flat on his back.  His eyelids fluttered as he tried to clear his blurry vision, to no avail.  The ache in his side, a constant reminder of how close he had come to his death bed, burned with reawakened fury.  He groaned as he pushed himself up again, facing Emeric. 

The older Rogue stood over Kedo triumphantly, yet his face was marked with concern.

"Are you sure you want to continue.  You're still healing up."  Emeric stated with brotherly concern.  Kedo shook his head, not trusting himself to speak.  He was still trying to draw air back into his tight, complaining lungs.  "I'm fine."  He managed after Emeric shot him a stubborn glare. 

Emeric frowned, the look of discontent plastered on his face, almost permanently.

"Fine, but let's just take it easy, alright?" 

Kedo frowned, "I've been taking it easy for the past month.  I'm sick of it." Emeric saw the turmoil behind the younger Rogue's eyes.  The training wasn't just to get some exercise and to move his recuperating limbs.  Kedo hated the feeling of being useless.  Even more after the attack on the village...Over the past few weeks, after Kedo recovered, Emeric started training him just as his father had trained him. 

They started at the basics, but Kedo was a good learner and practiced whenever he got  chance.  He'd practice the sword patterns on his own in the forest after going for a jog with weighted armor to build his stamina and strength. The afternoons were set apart for archery and hand to hand combat where Kedo now found himself. 

He was good.  Emeric was impressed, although he rarely admitted it, not wanting Kedo to become arrogant.  But, Kedo couldn't beat Emeric no matter how hard he tried.  He had a small build and physique.  Even though he was in his growth spurt, he was still tiny.

"Alright come at me.  Try and get me on the ground."  Emeric instructed.

Kedo poised himself, readying for the attack.  He moved forward, holding his arms up to protect his face from any blow that Emeric might throw, yet he remained aware in case Emeric swept his feet out from under him again.

Emeric attacked first, sending a spurt of blows at Kedo's head.

Kedo's physique aided him as he made blinding moves, too fast for Emeric to track. Although the Ex-Dome fighter's moves were nearly too fast to follow, Kedo dodged each one and easily evaded the deadly attacks.

Emeric lunged at Kedo, a move that had succeeded previously, resulting with Kedo sprawled out on the floor, but Kedo saw the attack coming. 

He sidestepped and shoved Emeric past him.  Before the older Rogue could turn to face his opponent once more, Kedo leapt onto Emeric's back, wrapping his legs around the taller Rogue's waist.  In his mind he saw himself elegantly tackling Emeric to the ground, earing himself the victory...Things didn't go as planned. 

Emeric didn't so much as stagger under the sudden weight...Kedo simply lacked the body mass to force Emeric down.  Kedo wrapped his arm around Emeric's neck, strangling him with the crook of his elbow.  The move was effective and one of Emeric's favorites. Kedo had suffered defeat from the move on more occasions than he could recall.  He swelled with pride to be using the attack on his mentor.

Emeric pulled at Kedo's arm, but what the younger Etreshian lacked in size, he made up for in strength.  His grip held and Emeric could feel his vision fading.  Before Emeric lost consciousness, he gripped both of Kedo's upper arms and tilted himself forward, all it took was one well measured jerk for Kedo to topple heals over head. Once again sprawled on the ground in front of Emeric.  

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